Ban_Me_Loserz, The Reader


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5/17/2021 3:27 PM

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SUP I’M A HUGE FAGGOT on 5/17/2021 3:27:21 PM
UNDER THE BOWL!!! Bowl ----- rats ---- me

SUP I’M A HUGE FAGGOT on 5/17/2021 3:25:04 PM
The bowl's insides would be facing my stomach and they would be under it. I would be holding the bowl down or it would be tied down.

SUP I’M A HUGE FAGGOT on 5/17/2021 3:23:14 PM
Okay, thanks. I'm at school currently, but I'll be able to leave once I kill myself at home.

SUP I’M A HUGE FAGGOT on 5/17/2021 3:22:09 PM
The first time I was rude and cringy, the second time just dumb. The third I did nothing wrong, and all I did was say hi. It seems I made one mistake and I'm never welcomed back here.

SUP I’M A HUGE FAGGOT on 5/17/2021 3:18:15 PM
Okay, I'll try it! Thanks for suggesting it!

SUP I’M A HUGE FAGGOT on 5/17/2021 3:17:21 PM
No, see...I'm NoT lIkE oThEr GiRlS. I'm suicidal, heavily tramautized, and have severe anxiety! LOL IM SO QUIRKY!

SUP I’M A HUGE FAGGOT on 5/17/2021 3:16:35 PM
There would be a bowl on my stomach. The rats would be under the bowl.

SUP I’M A HUGE FAGGOT on 5/17/2021 3:11:48 PM
Hi, Mizal! How's harassing random strangers online going for you?

SUP I’M A HUGE FAGGOT on 5/17/2021 3:10:46 PM
Good idea!

SUP I’M A HUGE FAGGOT on 5/17/2021 3:10:27 PM
NO, bowl on stomach rats in bowl. They will eat their way out, killing me painfully.