BrighamOlsen24, The Reader
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Long ago, I made an attempt to write a series of story games. Unfortunately, the first two were spurned by the masses, and the third was never completed. Don't bother looking for them, they have been deleted and forgotten. But now, I have returned.
First things first: I don't care anymore. I want to write what I want, and I honestly don't give a damn how the rest of y'all think about what I put here. Don't worry though, I'm still going to try to write good stuff.
Next, I remember someone complaining about my grammar and something about how I was using spliced sentences and how I couldn't do that... yeah, whoever the hell you are, fuck you. I don't give a damn about my grammar- does a good story have to have perfect sentences? Why can't you use your damn imagination and figure shit out for yourself? Aside from that, sorry if my writing is difficult to understand, I'm trying to make do with what I know (I didn't really pay attention when my teachers were talking about sentence structure).
Finally, I want to live my life. I want constructive criticism, but I don't want to be told what I did wrong and nothing else. Tell me what I did well and where I need to improve.
You know how there's always a prophecy about an all powerful hero who's meant to save the day? Yeah... you're not that guy. In fact, you're the villain! Hooray! Your goal is to destroy the universe because this place just kinda sucks, you know?
The best way to win here is to be as big an asshole as you possibly can, but within reason. You can't just go around whacking people with a stick all willy-nilly, that's assault. No, you have to make sure that you don't get caught.
FYI: This is my first story game in years, so give me some slack. I just figured that I'd write a story about misery and petty hate...