GiaZera, The Reader
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I am a freelance writer and just happened to decide to put some stuff on here. Just kidding, I am GOD!
Under manifestation by Doctor Michael Ingrid Witherington Silas, Ph.D
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Who is Considered the Best writer on here on 6/10/2014 11:27:10 AMWait, it appears to be gone.
Who is Considered the Best writer on here on 6/10/2014 11:26:38 AM
I understand you were messing around. So was I. Check out my conversation with coinz further up.
Who is Considered the Best writer on here on 6/10/2014 11:24:59 AM
He's a misogynist because he identified the artist as female? Grow up.
(On the topic of "ism"s, go ahead and call me a misogynist bastard for not being a feminazi, but I'm an equalist. )
Who is Considered the Best writer on here on 6/10/2014 11:05:40 AM
In addition:
The field of the arts is a place where it is best to maintain fairly equal usage of the left and right neural hemispheres. Be creative, let your thoughts flow relatively unchecked, but be sure to maintain a sense of logic. If something doesn't quite make sense, you go back and fix it, right? When someone criticizes something, try to understand them and improve your further writing. If you are being randomly hated on, ignore the haters. If you are trolled, troll the troll. I've noticed that when I start doing this, it for some reason makes a lot of trolls become friendly (if you don't go overboard), as if you've proven yourself worthy to them.
As for people who criticize your works, weigh their judgment with your own. If its not something you want to do, then don't do it! I've seen quite a few people give in to that trap. Hell, even I have, more than once. If masses are glorifying your work, that doesn't mean everyone likes it. You may think its absolutely horrid and want to throw it in the trash, and that's all well and good because it's your work. Listen to people that actually want to help you and have good advice, not haters and trolls that have no greater desire than to demolish you. If you want to stop, then stop. And for Satan's sakes, don't think you're fucking Zeus because your work has a bunch of hype!
Who is Considered the Best writer on here on 6/10/2014 9:24:41 AM
Hooray for egotism!
Who is Considered the Best writer on here on 6/10/2014 7:00:56 AM
There is no good writer in the world, nor is there a bad one. There are competent writers, mediocre writers, incompetent writers (I swear, they always have these really awesome ideas! They just don't quite have the skill to flesh them out.), readers, dismissers of literature etc. There is no "Good" and "Bad" when it comes to such things, except so far as opinion.
Who is Considered the Best writer on here on 6/10/2014 6:57:13 AM
Very, very well done my friend. Even the Torites are laughing.
Is anyone interested in this? on 6/10/2014 6:49:26 AM
If you ever want a helper to ease the work-load, just ask. Plenty of people here are willing, including me. I might go so far as to say I might need help myself, as I'm working on something I think will be roughly the scale of Necromancer, and its going to take up lots of my time, particularly if I'm working alone.
Should This be "Modern Adventure" or "Fan Fiction" on 6/9/2014 11:05:49 PM
Doesn't look like it.
Eternal: The Eternalborn Expansion is released! on 6/9/2014 8:30:00 PM
You are not alone.