MagicLover05, The Reader

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7/24/2016 8:20 PM

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My Crush: A True Story

So, this is actually true. This is letters I've written to my crush, Tyrus M. Here's the gist, but if you don't want to hear my sappiness/patheticness, just close it now.

Tyrus and I were friends in 5th grade. We spent almost every day hiding in a playground tower during ACES, and we would just talk, or sometimes even not. I spent most of the time reading, because I'm a dork. Well, after a while, I realized I liked him, but I didn't have the guts to tell him, because I'm a chicken as well as a dork. A dorkin, if you will. Now, two, almost three, years later, I still have a hopeless crush on him, despite having not seen him in two years. So this is pretty much a collection of letters, and a few songs that make me think of him. Like this storygame if you've ever been in my situation! Or just like it if you like it, just please, don't hate!

Rise of The Grimms

You are Effie Faymen, a fifteen year old girl who lives in a world where a new apocalypse is coming. Fairytales. The happy endings are being reversed, and there's only one way to stop it. But you don't know how, yet. Play Rise of the Grimms, and see if you can save the world.