WORM, The Reader

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Is there a way to disable saving? on 11/14/2022 3:33:02 AM

I want to create specific pages that can save the game. I've played certain story games where the save option has been disabled but can't figure out how to do it myself. Any help would be appreciated. 

Can you customize the number of die rolled? on 4/7/2022 5:36:46 PM

That's better than what I have.

It seems like there's no way to make the script infinitely adaptable. If I want to go all the way to level 1000 it would be a slog. But this is an improvement on my current script so thanks. I am grateful :)

Can you customize the number of die rolled? on 4/7/2022 5:29:51 PM

I appreciate the suggestion but it hasn't worked.

Instead of rolling 3 separate die it just multiplies the number which limits the result to multiples of the number. 

2*1D6 will give me 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12

2D6 will give every number between 2 and 12.

Thanks anyway though I appreciate it :)

This was a reply to the previous comment. 

Can you customize the number of die rolled? on 4/7/2022 4:09:01 PM

Hi guys, this is my latest issue.

If you are level 1 you can roll 1 dice.

If you are level 2 you can roll 2 die.

This is the script I have tried:


I then tried to change the dice value instead:


Didn't work either. Do I really have to surrender and script:

IF %LEVEL := 1


IF %LEVEL := 2


because this method could take a while.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.


Is there a way to use ranges on conditional text? on 3/25/2022 8:26:53 AM

Right gotcha. Thanks for letting me know. I'm gonna have to brush up on my page scripting it seems. 

Is there a way to use ranges on conditional text? on 3/25/2022 7:13:53 AM

Okay, so I want a body temperature system in my game and I want these to appear.



My problem is that I would like SAFE to appear if the body temperature is within that range.

Will I need to put text down for each individual variable or can you set ranges with conditional text?

Any help would be appreciated. 

Add/Removing Items through script. (Not Clear) on 2/25/2022 6:26:35 PM

That's great! Thanks to everyone that's replied to this thread. I've struggled with this for a couple of days now. 

Add/Removing Items through script. (Not Clear) on 2/25/2022 6:20:35 PM

There is only the one line of code on the link which is now $ITEMSTATE01

and I only have one item created. How do I access the page script or do I literally put the script on the page?

Add/Removing Items through script. (Not Clear) on 2/25/2022 4:22:28 PM

Nah, didn't solve it. Thanks for the suggestion though. I appreciate it. I am baffled.

Add/Removing Items through script. (Not Clear) on 2/25/2022 4:15:41 PM

Hi...me again. Only issue I am now having is manipulating the inventory using link scripts. 

$ITEMSTATE1 := 1 just leads to an error page. 

I've played games where clicking a link adds an item but despite looking at the help and info section it just doesn't make it clear.

It says $ITEMSTATE can't be changed on link scripts but then where can it be changed?

Somebody save me!