tjp623, The Reader

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7/25/2024 6:29 PM

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The Liaison
You are Thompson; an orphaned man who spends his waking hours as a cryptic liaison. The Cryptic Liaisons are the peacemakers between the human world and the supernatural world. However, is Thompson the usherer of lasting peace or the harbinger of absolute destruction?

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The Knight Order of the Golden Sun ending A on 6/11/2022 3:13:20 PM
Hire alchemist, hunt the bandit, recruit peasant squire, kill bandits immediately, do tourney (wine and bread, sit, don't cheat and keep competing), one condition (new saint), Fetch alchemist, use alchemist's plan, proclaim truth, meet emissary, relieve knight of his duty, use trick from lowly-born knight. I chose not to sacrifice the people because I wanted to be completely good, but being the religion's saint gives over 300 fame.

The Knight Order of the Golden Sun ending A on 6/11/2022 3:07:14 PM
I just figured it out; apparently you have to let the priest sacrifice the people only if you become the new saint (Fame - 320, Popularity - 220)

The Knight Order of the Golden Sun ending A on 6/10/2022 12:33:12 AM
Hello, I am also someone who is having difficulty getting Ending A; My fame was 225, popularity was 190, AND I proclaimed the truth about the plague. It leads to Epilogue B.