trubtiger, The Reader

Member Since


Last Activity

6/16/2013 1:28 PM

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0 wins / 0 losses





I am a ten year old tomboy, I wear skirts in school but wouldn't be caught dead in them anywhere else.

I love to read and write. If anyone is interested in writing a story with me look at my Forum in the  writing workshop.


Choose your Life

This game let's you choose your own life to play out.

There are five possible results, it is very easy just truthfully put what you would do.

This game is not very accurate and is a bit strange.

Trubtiger Aged 10

Stranded: Lost at sea

I apologize for my previous game, I am rubbish at making games. This time I have done not a game but a story. Read, and enjoy!

This story is about a boy who is lost at sea due to a shipwreck, he is reunited with his brothers on a Island. They must escape the Island.



Recent Posts

Hi on 10/26/2012 5:51:08 AM


Any hints? on 10/26/2012 4:15:36 AM

Think of a setting, somewhere scary like a cemetery,or a haunted house, who is in the story maybe a boy and a girl?

Why are they there maybe some-one dared them? Maybe they are trying to scare some-one, like a snobby girl who doesn't believe in ghosts and zombies.

What happens next, for example maybe they are sleeping there for the night? Maybe one of them feels a hand on their shoulder, turns around and faints?


what happens? Is they eaten, kidnapped, are they all kidnapped/ eaten?

Will one try and save/ avenge the others?

What happens to him?

Are they ever seen again, do there very souls, that day every year haunt anyone who enters that cemetery/haunted house and kill/ kidnap them? are they forced to join a army of living dead? slowly eating away at civilization until they rule. And, was that night the 31st of October, otherwise known as halloween?

Trubtiger Aged 10.

I hope I helped you.

who do you like the most on 10/26/2012 3:20:26 AM


Does anyone want to make a story with me. on 10/25/2012 3:20:37 PM

Thanks for your support. BerkaZerka

Does anyone want to make a story with me. on 10/25/2012 2:44:05 PM

I'm Trubtiger, Aged 10.

I love to read and write.

But school in year 6 is boring!

Right now I'm strapped for ideas for a story I was thinking along the lines of either, school based, having to overcome the obstacles, a life based one, were the player must play through his life, try and dodge the gaps and get the life he wants, or a adventure one, full of action and fun.

So if you want to make a story with me, reply.

Looking for Coauthor on 10/25/2012 2:37:38 PM

I'd love to help you Meriko tell memore and I will tell you what you could do to improve it.

Trubtiger Aged 10

Loves to write and read.

Doesn't like school in year six it is Boring!

His Dark Materials on 10/25/2012 2:33:44 PM

A story about a stubborn little girl named Lyra she Has a daemon named Pantalaimon he is part of her soul, a shape shifter, I was moved by this trilogy of adventure,slight romance and mystery.