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Does anyone want to make a story with me.

12 years ago

I'm Trubtiger, Aged 10.

I love to read and write.

But school in year 6 is boring!

Right now I'm strapped for ideas for a story I was thinking along the lines of either, school based, having to overcome the obstacles, a life based one, were the player must play through his life, try and dodge the gaps and get the life he wants, or a adventure one, full of action and fun.

So if you want to make a story with me, reply.

Does anyone want to make a story with me.

12 years ago

Hi, (and welcome to the site)

I'm quite busy with my own projects right now, so I can't really do more than wish you well and suggest that you try to make a test game first, to get used to how it works, then when you're comfortable, write your feature story. Of course you could do both at the same time too.

As for suggestions about what to write, who knows but you. If you are going to do a school-based thing though,I suggest that you'll need to add something to it beyond the boring old school stuff. Like finding out which teacher is an alien - or where the bullies hid your science project (that will destroy the whole school if not found soon) - or solving the mystery of the ghost that haunts backstage in the drama club - etc...

Does anyone want to make a story with me.

12 years ago

Thanks for your support. BerkaZerka

Does anyone want to make a story with me.

12 years ago

I am really only tied to horror and fantasy but i am very good at plots and twists! if you need any help ill be glad to.

Does anyone want to make a story with me.

12 years ago

Hi! Sure!

Does anyone want to make a story with me.

12 years ago

yeah sure, I would love to make a story with you.

Does anyone want to make a story with me.

12 years ago

Maybe I could help you write a story...what sort of a story?

Does anyone want to make a story with me.

12 years ago

I'd be willing to help...

Does anyone want to make a story with me.

12 years ago
