My story has the consumption of adult beverages in it, and instead of just telling the player they drink whatever is handed to them, I want to make the drinks items. Each time they 'use' the drink, their drunkenness score would increase. (and if it passes a certain threshold, they'd pass out)
I did more reading on the variables and the only way I could see to do it would be painfully repetitive.
I'd have to set the effect on the item (If 'martini' is used on 'page 1' go to 'page 1 drink'. 'Page 1 drink' would have the user text (you take a drink of the martini) and the script on that page would be 'drunkenness +10' and then I'd have to link back to 'page 1'. The problem is, I'd have to repeat those steps for all, like 200 pages in my story, multiple times because the player picks up a drink on at least half the pages
Does anyone know of a better way to accomplish this?