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This bug was closed 1/10/2024: fixed

"Who Is Online" Design Differs on Forums

7 years ago

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"Who Is Online" Design Differs on Forums

7 years ago

I don't find this a bug or a problem.

"Who Is Online" Design Differs on Forums

7 years ago

I feel like some people are just taking advantage of 3J now.

"Who Is Online" Design Differs on Forums

7 years ago

Appreciate the concern but this is definitely the sort of thing that I want to be made aware of.

"Who Is Online" Design Differs on Forums

7 years ago

At first, I thought one of the images was resized, but no; there's actually a 1px difference between them. The body's font-size is smaller than it is elsewhere and the footer-content is inheriting that. It's also got the same line-height issue that the sidebar did (which means both differences are present in the Notepad and Messages as well).

Adding both font-size: small; and line-height: initial; to the footer-content would mostly fix it, but even then there'll probably still be some little alignment issues. Might as well add line-height: initial; to #Footer, too.

"Who Is Online" Design Differs on Forums

11 months ago

How has this not been resolved in 6 fucking years?

More importantly, how did anyone even fucking notice this in the first place lmao.