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Writing Prompts #17

8 years ago

Congratulations to Mason for being the only participant last time. Shame on the rest of you. Next prompt is on Monday.



1. Pick one of the prompts and write about it for no more than 20 minutes. You can write for longer if you want, but only words written during the 20 minutes count towards your total, so mark where you ran out of time.

2. You will be graded on wordcount and overall coherence. You will not be graded on quality, so write as fast as you can while still producing something that makes sense and would be salvageable with cleanup. It doesn't have to have an ending or form a complete story, but it should at least read like an excerpt from a longer work.

3. When you're done, post your wordcount. Posting your story is optional. We understand it will be terrible.

4. You may go back and work on previous days if you missed them.

5. You may write fanfiction if your heart desires.


Prompt #1: Aristocrats engaged in a conspiracy.

Prompt #2: A dragon perched on the skeleton of another dragon


@WouldntItBeNice @Steve24833 @JJJ-thebanisher @Seto @bbshark @Bucky @mizal @FrankIevatus @TheNewIAP @Romulus @TacocaT @Crescentstar @Mayana @Zulutrader @MasonJarGuzzi @Ogre11 @malkalack @Charaxes @Raven47

Writing Prompts #17

8 years ago

Whoops! I seriously haven't even checked this site in days, I have many distractions in the form of work and dungeon crawling, sorry!


Writing Prompts #17

8 years ago

Oh and @BradinDvorak because, that is a badass dragon picture. This might be the one prompt he deigns to notice.

Writing Prompts #17

8 years ago

477 words: first prompt.

The stand in a circle. Pompous dress and an abhorrent amount of perfume cover the men and women. Some of them are fanning themselves on this hot summer evening, but all know of the dire reason for why they are here.

Their unofficial leader, Lord Stevenson, clears his throat and whispers, "So, does everybody know the plan?"

The others all nod their head. They are all quite the odd bunch. Some are complete idiots while others are calmer than a field of grass. The only commonality is that they are all obscenely rich and their goal in coming here tonight.

A rather dull one asks, "Wouldn't it be better if we just ask her to..."
"No!" says Lord Stevenson, "That could never work. The only way in which to make her comply to our wishes is this way only."
"Agreed," says her betrothed (who is a rather proficient deer hunter), "all other options have been exausted."
"Okay then, let's go." orders the lord.

The band of misfits exits the cellar (which is their secret meeting location and houses their emergency wine storage). They creep through the halls of their mansion, for they are slightly communistic and combined their wealth to build a giant damn building. Anyway, they sneak pasts the menservants Timothy and Kristofer, who were drunk from sipping some apple cider of all things, and up to the mansion's upper levels.

Then, the group splits into three groups. The first is headed by Lord Stevenson. They will climb through the window. The second is lead by the hunter. They will storm the bedroom and take her by surprise (and the hunter wishes to steal some of her undergarments as well). The final group is to keep any servants or other aristocrats from nearing the bedroom. It is being directed by the Lady in Violet whose plan is to criticize all meanderers until they flee in utter terror.

The hunter and his three companions tip-toe up to the bedroom and wait. Until the clock strikes three thirty, they have to wait. He smiles in anticipation. Today will be a great day. He will fondly tell this story to his grandchildren years from now. Yes, he can almost see that day now.

Suddenly, the loud, single chime erupts from the silence. It is time.

The hunter kicks down the door and brandishes his hunting knife. Lord Stevenson swings through the window blocking the only other exit. Their followers quickly appear behind the two proud men.

The lady rises from her bed. She asks, "Are you here to steal my undergarments again, my beloved?"
"Yes and no," he replies, "While that is one of my motives for coming here. We also explicitly wish for you to come out of your bed and chambers and make a poem for the servants. They work harder when they are thinking of poetry."
"But, I wish to sleep."
"My dear, Timothy and Kristofer are already wasted from just cider! It didn't even have any alcohol content."
"Meh, too bad."

She moves a pillow out of the way to show a recently installed lever and pulls it. The others all fall down, for they realized much too late that they were standing on a trapdoor. Thus, they fall into the dungeons (and a pile of dung just to make matters worse).

Lord Stevenson groans. They will soon be criticized by the Lady in Violet.

Writing Prompts #17

8 years ago


Dante walked along the dead lands, desperately trying to hide the look of desperation on his face. A handful of Orc and Elven zombies and a Flesh Golem walked alongside him, as well as his pregnant wife. He smiled at her, as  she smiled back. Dante wasn't sure whether she was mad, stupid or just desperate, but she was still with him.

"Love makes you all three," Elizabeth smiled.

"What?" Dante asked.

"You're thinking aloud, Dante," she smiled. "I can hear what you're saying."

"Oh," Dante said. "Well then. We need to keep going. Find you a doctor."

"Do you think the next town we find will be pro-Necromancy, or that they'll be so weak we'll be able to take over?"

"I don't know! I just want to do something!" Dante said in frustration. "I just want to feel like I didn't damn my wife and son to die wandering this wasteland! There's nothing for miles!"

They walked on for about a minute in silence, before Elizabeth spoke.

"A son, is it?"

"I need a warrior. Strong with the sword, stronger with magic. A son to carry on my name and hold the throne," Dante said.

"And if we have a daughter?"

"Hopefully she'll be pretty and stupid, and she'll bear strong grandsons," Dante replied.

"You're a sexist pig," Elizabeth laughed.

"What? I'm kidding!" Dante said. "How could I hate women? My mother was one!"

"You killed your mother," Elizabeth reminded.

"Fair point. Well, you're one. And if our daughter is half the woman you are, she'll rule the world."

"Agreed," Elizabeth said. 

"It's a shame that'll never occur, though, because this is a strong son!" Dante said, patting his wife gently on the stomach. "Oh, he kicked! God, already trying to take out his old man, get the crown for himself!"

Dante laughed, before looking around at the desolate wastes. He squinted, before pointing.

"There! What's that?"

Elizabeth squinted, looking ahead.

"That's... a castle," Elizabeth said.

"They must have doctors!" Dante said. "We need to...!"

"They'll hang you," Elizabeth interrupted.

"You can go alone," Dante said.

"And leave you alone out here? You'd end up fucking the corpses," Elizabeth smiled.

"Elizabeth, you need to go!" Dante said.

The sky turned grey, as rain began to pour down.

"You'll catch a cold and die out here! You need to go!"

"I'm not leaving you, dear. We promised, 'till death do us part."

"When the fuck did we start caring about death?" Dante said. "You're being selfish. This isn't about you. This is about our son!"

Elizabeth smiled, sitting down on the mud covered ground.

"I'm fine. I won't need a doctor for a few days. We can walk up to one of the mountain villages, find a Dwarven Stronghold. Sneak in, find a doctor, and it'll all be alright. We could even raid the famous Dwarven Tombs," Elizabeth said.

"Terrific," Dante said. "We can't just keep walking. The Dwarven Strongholds are miles away."

"Do you have a better solution?" Elizabeth asked.

"Take the castle," Dante said, as Elizabeth laughed, as her now soaking hair hung against her face.

"How? We have barely any men!"

Dante sighed, looking down at the mud as rain hit his head. He watched as the mud washed away, revealing stones, dead tree roots and...

Dante paused, raising an eyebrow.

"What the fuck is that?" he asked.

Dante and Elizabeth stared as the rain washed the mud away from a pair of massive skeletons, caught in mid-battle upon their death. One was massive, that of a huge dragon, with its black scaly hide still draped over it, above what appeared to be a massive giant skull. Dante stared at it, dropping to his knees as he placed his hands on it.

"Holy shit," he laughed. "Elizabeth, I think the Gods might exist... and he loves me."

"Can you revive it?" Elizabeth said, staring down at the beast.

"The giant? No chance in hell. The dragon? Perhaps. Give me time."

Over the next hour, Dante worked. The spirits of life and undeath flowed through his soul and into the skeleton. The dragon began to glow with purple energy, as its hide stitched together, its hide tightened around its skeletal body. The life of undeath flooded into the creature, before after an hour, it let out a powerful screech towards the sky.

"It's mine," Dante whispered, stepping back. 

The couple, as well as the Flesh Golem, stared as the Undead Dragon perched on the giant skull. It screeched towards the sky, before staring at its new master.

"The castle's ours, Dante," Elizabeth said.

"The castle? The world's ours, darling. You, me and our little Cain."

"Cain? Have you named him already?" Elizabeth laughed.

The Flesh Golem, Primus grunted and clasped his hands together.

"And Primus will have a place," Dante smiled, as he grabbed his wife around the waist. "I love you so, so much."

"Let's go take a castle, Dante," Elizabeth said.

"What's the castle called?" Dante asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Northock?" Elizabeth said, raising an eyebrow.

"It'll need a renaming," Dante mused. "Now, let's see if our little beast can fly."

Dante barked an order and watched as the undead dragon took to the air, and began flying towards the castle, like the Grim Reaper taken wing.

"Reaper," Dante said. "That'll do."

Writing Prompts #17

8 years ago

I apologize for not participating recently! I've been attempting to finish this one part of the storygame I'm making for the contest >~<

I'll attempt this one in a little bit.