Or...a few. I figure it anyone needs help getting the creative juices flowing, here are a few prompts that could do the trick. Enjoy and I can't wait to see what some of you come up with!
1.) Dealt an unlucky hand by cruel fate, the protagonist finds themselves up on the executioners block, awaiting a grisly end by the axe.
BUT, the protagonist is a sentient block of wood and the executioner is really just a dude trying to chop some firewood.
2.) A devilish mastermind, a true genius, an expert with a plan to take over....the world! Muwahahaha!
BUT the mastermind is a snail that must somehow get their plans across to henchmen, fellow evil masterminds, etc.
3.) Combine a strange amalgamation of three genres, but no matter which you chose they story must contain the words; "yeehaw!" "croochie-proochies" and "alexithymia"
4.) Light a candle, dim the lights, hold hands, and say a prayer. A lost soul hires a medium to talk to an old friend, boss, coworker, etc. A hilarious argument ensues.
BUT, the medium and character hiring them are both in the afterlife and attempting to communicate with the living.
Have fun you crazy kids!