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4 years ago
Commended by mizal on 12/18/2020 12:08:44 PM
My state, my county, my city, is the epicenter.

Hospitals overflowing with thousands of the unbelievers, they die every hour but never fast enough. Until they can't breathe on their own they spew out their delusions and curse the ones working day and night to save their lives.

It's not real, it's not real, it's JUST A BAD FLU, it's those damned heathen Chinese, we can't let the damage to the economy be worst than the disease, it's all fake, the government is doing it but OUR GOD at the head of the government knows it's all fake and will save us, or he'll say he will, or he'll say we don't need it, whatever makes him look good at the moment.

While you're overflowing these beds that should have gone to decent humans, connected to these machines, justice would be having your tongues ripped from your lying shit eating mouths with hot tongs. I want to break your skulls open with a hammer and chisel while you scream, while you beg and scoop out the maggots in your rotten brain with a trowel.

HOW ARE YOU REAL, fuck you, fuck you, FUCK YOU. FUCKING LOOK AT YOU, FUCKING LISTEN TO YOURSELVES. It's not real, it's not real, these people here dying aren't real, it's all a big conspiracy, the doctors and nurses and all the staff are in on it. Avoid the vaccine at all costs and convince others to do the same, these masks don't work, the shut downs are stupid, you want them to stop but you WON'T DO ANYTHING TO STOP IT YOU'LL FIGHT TOOTH AND NAIL EVERYONE WHO WANTS TO HELP AND EVERY SANE SOLUTION AND ALL SCIENCE AND ALL COMMON SENSE.

I can see the demons you've joined with inside your mouths and behind your eyes, and I'll laugh when you burn together in Hell with the father of all your arrogance and sociopathic lies.

You'll even attack my mom, leave her lying there bleeding and bruised and then take the bed she could have recovered in all while you still smugly declare your lies.

How are you real? How are all of you even human? Answer: You're not.

One by one I load the bullets into the chamber, and fill bottles with amber liquid, the fumes rising to the heavens like incense as I prepare to do the work of the Lord. Because you're all filth, all misbegotten animals who all want to die, but you're just not doing it fast enough.

I am the epicenter. I am the judgement, the chosen avatar of your well-earned destruction.

Crawl on your knees, beg God to save you. But he won't answer, because you rejected his Son and replaced him. "What a good businessman!" you cried to the image of your new idol, begging him to fill the Temple with moneychangers while bodies piled up in the streets.

But not fast enough.


4 years ago
Can't say I disagree


4 years ago
That awkward moment when you don't know whether to commend or call the FBI....


4 years ago
I like how it's unclear whether the protagonist is the author or not, really makes the piece feel more authentic!

I'll definitely be reading the storygames you write when the sentence is up.


4 years ago
He must've read about our school shooting category on the IFDB.


4 years ago
No dont worry, I just added the shooter part to make it work as a story after otherwise typing out exactly how I really feel.

My mom works at a clinic and she really has been threatened several times though, and not long ago some anti mask anti vaxxer coughed and spit on her and scratched her face. I've read about workers getting killed just for asking people to follow standard policy and put on a mask, I'm actually really scared any time she goes to work now.

Doing a mass shooting is a lot of work though, and with how LA is right now probably no one would even notice. People get shot every day and die of Covid every hour.


4 years ago
What the hell. Those people deserve to die.


4 years ago
That bitch should be tied down and have handfuls of burning coals shoved up her snatch so that she can never bring anything else remotely like her into the world. And then as an example to others they should mount her parents heads on pikes for turning her out that way.


4 years ago

Klockwerk is my favorite newbie at the moment.


4 years ago
Someone needs to get him to make a post in the contest thread.


4 years ago

Jesus, sorry to hear. A server out West in Canada got smashed in the face with a glass for asking someone to put a mask on. A lot of selfish evil fucks in the world these days. 

Of course, they won't take the vaccine either lol. 


4 years ago
Yes other than the violent psychos, it's the obvious contradictions in the things they say that are hardest to take. They hate wearing masks but don't want the vaccine to work either, so that everyone will have to keep wearing masks, WTF. I don't really care what people want to believe for themselves even if it's unbelievably stupid and can't hold up to a single bit of logic. But at a time like this when everyone is supposed to be patient and cooperate to help each other, we just should just have zero tolerance the ones who don't exist for anything but spreading malicious lies or who cross the line and get violent. Humans are supposed to be social animals, but there is no other kind of pack or herd that puts up with its members sabotaging it from within.


4 years ago
>obvious contradictions

It's not even 7am and already I've been informed today that the hospitals are ALWAYS overflowing with people dying of the flu this time of year, it's not covid, they just treat people in the ICU for days/weeks while sending other people that need hospitalization home in order to get the $7000 from saying someone died of covid. An enormous sum of money a hospital has no other to obtain. But it's really just the normal flu that's killing everyone, as it will do.

Oh, and covid is just a bad flu, it's not dangerous.


4 years ago
Ugh, sorry to hear that. Hope you and your mom pull through this without any more drama.

If you are raised with a certain amount of optimism, it can be a shock to the system realizing how awful people can be. And this year has really been a wake-up call on the sheer amount of stupid in the world. I know I'm never going to look at the people around me the same way again, and my expectations were already pretty low to begin with.


4 years ago
Thanks. I feel a little better now and I'm working on my cyberpunk story. But this year really has changed everything, I know exactly what you mean. Well just thought I would post a little so nobody thought I was stockpiling guns somewhere.


4 years ago

Reminds me of my "Stone's Throw" short story so naturally I liked it.


4 years ago
Then I have succeeded in life.