
Forums » Feature Wishing Well » Read Thread

Suggestions for improvements and additions to the site.
This feature was rejected 9/6/2005: Yes, see my comments below.

Posts, Threads, (Sections), and Forums Unread

18 years ago
I think that there should be a thing that says you haven't checked this Forum, Thread, Post, and possibly section if you haven't read it since someone put a post in it last.

Posts, Threads, (Sections), and Forums Unread

18 years ago
That could be cool, but I would prefer to have the color of the link or a picture that depicted how "hot it is".

Posts, Threads, (Sections), and Forums Unread

18 years ago
Alex. Go to and check out the forums there. That's what you need to look at.

Posts, Threads, (Sections), and Forums Unread

18 years ago
They are ok, but I dont like most of the members.

Posts, Threads, (Sections), and Forums Unread

18 years ago
I went on that site for one or two days. I remember it because of how bright the colors were.

Posts, Threads, (Sections), and Forums Unread

18 years ago

OK, I'll agree to this since a lot of other msgboards do it.

I will add a flag to the message indicating the last time you read it. If  LastPost > LastRead, it is unread.  When you click and read a message, it will set the flag to the current date. This will *only* work when you are logged on. If you browse the forums while you are not logged on, it will not "remember" these things obviously.

Whatabout unplayed (technically, unrated) games? Would you guys find that useful?

Posts, Threads, (Sections), and Forums Unread

18 years ago
More useful then forums.  But this whole thing is awesome.

Posts, Threads, (Sections), and Forums Unread

18 years ago
Yes to both things. Adds another section to the ability of free members! Yay for free membership and features!

Posts, Threads, (Sections), and Forums Unread

18 years ago