
Forums » Feature Wishing Well » Read Thread

Suggestions for improvements and additions to the site.
This feature was rejected 9/10/2005: Combined with

ADV editor Restriction addition

18 years ago
How about this:

For each variable in the restrictions menu, if you add a restriction in the textbox, i dropdown menu will appear with AND and OR options as well as blank for Not Applicable but for now who cares. If you select the AND or OR, min. value and max value textbox will appear underneath the variable you have put int he restriction. These two textboxes ARE associated with the previous variable and to indicate that, the spot where the variable name SHOULD be will be blank instead it will have a:


arrow and if you select AND, the restrictions in this box will have to be If restriction for variable in first textboxes (original ones) AND the next two textboxes are true = there is no restriction because statement is true or if both statement s are not true or ONE of them isnt true, there is a restr.

Now if you select the OR box, again the two boxes will apear underneath as i said above, and you enter the restriction values as normal. If restriction for variable in first textbox OR second box OR even both are true = the link will appear as it is true and no restriction. If BOTH statements are false, obviously there is a restr.

Now what you can do is keep adding AND and OR stateents through the d-down menu. SO you may have three, four even five statements for one variable. THe next two textboxes will keep appearing if you slect an AND or OR option.

Variable Name | Min. Val. | Max. Val. | Option box

Variable 1 | 1 | 2 | Over here you have an option AND or OR - it is selected
>----------| 5 | 6 | Over here is AND and OR- you can select only the option that was selected above cant have AND and OR in the same statement. SO if you selcet it, another two textbo appears and looks the same as the second line with >---- etc.

Please implement this, i could have

----------| 2 | 2 | OR
etc all the way to 12 and 12. so i do not need so many links

ADV editor Restriction addition

18 years ago
alex, i have already sent you an email about this through the ingame message system. you can give your answer here or through the messages, it is up to you.