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This bug was closed 1/5/2015: Like Berka said: turn off RTE

Why everything disappeared ?

10 years ago

I had once made a page full of codes... Made 15 links on that page... after i had restricted 6 of them i saw half of my links are dissapeared...

next time i did this on nine links... all my page has been disappeard ... i lost a great work of a day of mine and i published my unfinished game from anger... :(

Does anybody know why did that happen ?

Why everything disappeared ?

10 years ago
It is a problem with the rich text editor. Turn it off in you Profil under Help & Info.

Why everything disappeared ?

10 years ago

Without it this site is useless for me ! :D

Why everything disappeared ?

10 years ago
There is nothing you can do with RTE that you can't do without it. In fact, you can do more without RTE turned on.