Hello I'm this site resident lurker frank2. I just here to give you some generators I've found over the web to help with your stories.
http://chaoticshiny.com/ - an extremely good site for those looking for help in creating their fantasy world.
http://www.seventhsanctum.com/ - A wide variety of things from naming a ship character to your very own Sith lord.
http://donjon.bin.sh/ - A superb site to the least. Here you can generate a map of a world to use for your game...also if you have a need to start a forum game what tool to use than this.
http://fantasynamegenerators.com/ - I stumbled upon this back when i first join the site. This give you names for anything, from, simple rivers to religions. Also it offers a map creation as well which is better than donjon which creates land mass.
Here are just a few of these generators. I hope this helps you bring out the best of your stories.