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I wanna make a text game like this!

18 years ago

Do you think it would be possible to, in some way, make a least slightly similer to this. Not exactly, but in someway play like it, just in text.

I wanna make a text game like this!

18 years ago
I've played it

I wanna make a text game like this!

18 years ago
Me 2

I wanna make a text game like this!

18 years ago

I played the demo version.  I also played the full version earler last month.  I don't really like it but the idea is possible.  There is no luck varible so it is easy to do if you figure it out.

Copywrite: If you use words and not graphics it's not violating any law.

Moved: To the game workshop.

I wanna make a text game like this!

18 years ago

ive loved stickrpg for a long time now. long before all the added features and stuff. good luck with it.


I wanna make a text game like this!

18 years ago
Yeah, and there is going to be a stickrpg 2 later on. Early 2006, late 2005, are my guesses of when it will come out. I love those type of games. No. 2 is looking to be good to.

I wanna make a text game like this!

18 years ago
Its never going to happen.

I wanna make a text game like this!

18 years ago
What do you mean. They have a site on it. Also, the reason they wern't working on SRPG2, was because they were working on a top secret online flash game, stick arena. Which has been released recently, you can play it at there site,

I wanna make a text game like this!

18 years ago
The Arean sucks (No offense)

I wanna make a text game like this!

18 years ago
Yeah, I kind of know. That's why I'm still waiting for SRPG2.

I wanna make a text game like this!

18 years ago
I  can't figure out a good way to make a sim game on here...

I wanna make a text game like this!

18 years ago

why cant you? it should (in Theory here since ive not tried myself) be pretty easy. just emulate THE SIMS video game. on there you have all kinds of different variables that change depending on the choices you make. Variable-happiness goes down when you get a job but Variable-Money goes up.


I wanna make a text game like this!

18 years ago
Complete and Utter agreement.

I wanna make a text game like this!

18 years ago
It is 100% possible.  The sim game you are talking about (sucks) has no randomness in it so you just have to figure out how it works.

I wanna make a text game like this!

18 years ago

i agree the games suck lol especially for PS2. however, when doing a sims game randomness is not always a neccessity. when you get a job you hate your happiness goes down but your money goes up. randomness just makes things too hard sometimes. KISS-Keep It Simple Stupid. lol


I wanna make a text game like this!

18 years ago
Oh, my god we learned about KISS in math finance. Also, I just have troubles keeping up with all of the varibles. Pluse, the sims is random. Your meters also deplete over time not with actions like online flash sim games, so that makes it even harder to do. I'll try to make one with "KISS" though, lol.

I wanna make a text game like this!

18 years ago
The sims are always so hard.  How do you keep everything up at the same time?  Sleep and Work take way to long and deplete all the other stats.  It is unfair.  Also, the expansions don't bring anything good.  They are always bad.

I wanna make a text game like this!

18 years ago

I wanna make a text game like this!

18 years ago
Well, if you're a newbie at the sims, it's good to have "free will" on so the sims will bring up their most urgent need. However if you have played the sims in any way possible (me) you don't need free will and can keep up with it all by yourself. Yeah, the game isn't easy, I still have troubles doing everything I want to, but I think it's fun anyway.

I wanna make a text game like this!

18 years ago
Also I will try to make a sim game on here. When someone else has accomplished it.

I wanna make a text game like this!

18 years ago
lol, never a pioneer?

I wanna make a text game like this!

18 years ago
I decided to try and make one...hope it goes alright.

I wanna make a text game like this!

18 years ago
gl, don't give up.

I wanna make a text game like this!

18 years ago
ARGH! Not working out. I need some insperation, how would you (this is pertaining to anyone on the site) make a sim game on here? I need to figure out someway, but I can't get it to play like some game like stick RPG so far. It's hard.

I wanna make a text game like this!

18 years ago
I could easily do stick RPG.

I wanna make a text game like this!

18 years ago
Then do it.

I wanna make a text game like this!

18 years ago
Have you played stick RPG, or Stick RPG complete, the link I have in the topic goes to the complete one.

I wanna make a text game like this!

18 years ago
Oh, nevermind you have.

I wanna make a text game like this!

18 years ago
He can't.  He hasn't made any games, thats a fairly hard one to do well, so I would say he would need some exp.

I wanna make a text game like this!

18 years ago
It isn't that hard to copy.  I know the varibles and everything.  The battle system would be hard though.  Otherwise it is easy.  I don't know what Karma does though.

I wanna make a text game like this!

18 years ago
Oh, and I can make items known as varibles.

I wanna make a text game like this!

18 years ago
Karma makes you either be prez, or a dictator. -100 karma makes you a dictator later on, while 100 karma makes you the prez later on. I know how to do the variables and everything, it's just getting it to work in a text game without anything repeting can be hard. Plus I don't want to MAKE STICK RPG, I just wanted to use a similer gameplay system to make my OWN sim game. got it, . Ok.

I wanna make a text game like this!

18 years ago

Wow, this is hard to read!!!!!!

I wanna make a text game like this!

18 years ago
Sorry about that.

I wanna make a text game like this!

18 years ago
No problem.  Hey Leon, Can I add you as a co-author on one of my games, just so you can play the beggining - not edit it?

I wanna make a text game like this!

18 years ago
Sure, I won't edit if you don't want me to.

I wanna make a text game like this!

18 years ago
Do you like it?

I wanna make a text game like this!

18 years ago
Yes, I sent you an private message about it.

I wanna make a text game like this!

18 years ago

I wanna make a text game like this!

18 years ago
Okay. I didn't read the whole entire forum exept the last two posts and I say that this isn't making any sence.

Dead frog?

I wanna make a text game like this!

18 years ago