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Any tips for writing in 2nd person perspective?

7 years ago

I've been trying to write a cyberpunk themed CYOA for about two months now, which was originally going to be for the chaos contest, but I've only been able to write about five pages. I've found that the biggest roadblock for me outside of my previous schedule has been trying to write a flowing narrative from a 2nd-person perspective. This is especially apparent when trying to write exposition or structural decisions like whether to write in present or past tense. I was thinking of maybe just writing it in 3rd-person, but I don't think it would lend itself too well for what I'm going for. Then again, maybe I'm overthinking things a little too much.

Any tips for writing in 2nd person perspective?

7 years ago

Could you post an extract of what you've written so the problems you're having are clear? For all we know, you may actually be over thinking it or something.

Any tips for writing in 2nd person perspective?

7 years ago
Second person present tense is the standard and IMO it works really well for getting the reader in the character's head and creating a sense of immediacy, but part of writing a story is figuring out what the best viewpoint and tense would be and why. There's nothing actually wrong with third person in a CYOA in and of itself. What is it your trying to do that you think that won't fit?

Like Matt said, an excerpt of one of the problem passages would be useful.