Currently playing it on Xbox. Even though I'm terrible at it, I totally adore it! I grew up old cartoons and it's extremely faithful to that rubberneck Fliecsher style I love so. Lots of references hidden here and there.
One thing that really got me was the whole contract requirement. It turns out that simple isn't enough -- Ya gotta beat those suckers on regular mode to actually complete the game. I learned that quite a ways in so now I'm slightly angry and determined. The game is quite difficult, but I wouldn't say unfair. It's not like it has bad level design or enemy placement or nuth'n (flashbacks to Astro Boy: Omega Factor *shiver*), it's just simply, beautifully difficult. I equipped that teleport dash thing and I quickly learned what good a nice chaser can do you.
Even though the gameplay is fun, the music is lovely and the animation is down right stellar, I'd say that the one real reason why I play the game is to hear the old-fashioned man yelp "It's a fiiiine day for a sweeeeellll battle!" at the beginning of every fight.