Hello everybody... It' Rattler,
Most of you authors on this site that have read my first story, "The Wild Wild West; An Unchangeable World," and you probably recognize that I am quite new to this site.
Now, back to my story. After finishing my wild western story I received a sizeable amount of feedback and constructive criticism, also, thanks to those who commented on the story. After reading through those comments I realized that every single one of them was helpful. They gave me ideas on how I could improve my writing and not make the same mistakes I made in my first publishment. So, thanks again.
Anyway, I didn't really want to unpublish "The Wild Wild West, An Unchangeable World," as that was not my intention, after some devising I came up with the solution of creating a new story game, it would virtually be an upgrade from the previous, I usually tend to write on 2 devices, my laptop and desktop, well it is an iMac. Anyway, during the creation of my first publishment, I spent approximately 75% of the time I put into writing it on the iMac, and I soon decided to install Grammarly on my laptop. I didn't put it on the iMac however and trust me, I make a lot, and I mean A LOT of Spelling/Grammar punctuation mistakes without noticing, and without Grammarly... It was messed up, I was also too cocky to even think about re-reading my story so... Yeah,
I know have Grammarly on the iMac and am prepared to fight those god damn spelling mistakes in a style that is cool. Not just a little cool, but ripped leather-vest wearing, chain-gun toting, thick golden belt wearing, I drive over robots and crush them in my jet-fuel nitro-powered motorcycle with flames burning in the engine cool.
Okay then, probably a bit of an over-reaction on the Spelling & Grammar... o_o
Anyway, my previous story had approximately 5, 844 words. My next upgrade story, I am planning to have somewhere around 30-100K, right now I am only at 4000 words. Another one of my main focuses this time is to make it good quality writing with a nice flow and story to it. I am also bumping the use of variables this time.
I added this post to see if anyone had any suggestions on what I should do or add on my next story... :)