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Can’t think of a good title

5 years ago

I’m stuck in a rut comparing myself to others, whether it’s my writing or drawing, and whenever I make something I can’t help but think that it’s terrible compared to what others could do. Why would others want to see mine if there’s more, better work? There are plenty of artists out there, and good authors on here to be sure, I’m just not one of them. How can I tell myself to stop comparing my work and just work without shame? Does anyone else have that problem, because I don’t want to feel silly for posting this.

Can’t think of a title

5 years ago
Oh I thought you just needed help thinking of a tit (not sure why you edited that, way to ruin the excellent click bait fate handed you...) but as for your questions, you simply need to stop giving a fuck about other people. You have a thing you want to create, focus on that goal and on learning and doing everything you need to make it match your vision.

Getting praise for what you do is nice and all but it shouldn't be what's driving you. If everything had to be the best thing ever made than we'd have reached the point a long time ago where nothing would get made at all. Everybody has to start somewhere.

Can’t think of a good title

5 years ago

Fuck it, people aren't forced to read your work. You should write for yourself. Write because it's how you want to express yourself, and because you want to create something. If people want to read or look at it, sure, that's cool and great for you. They can stop reading, they're not being forced to, so no matter how shit what you write is, it'll have had value to you, and maybe it'll bring something out in a few other people. 

Your work should, above all, have something from you. Some element that only your strange, weird and ever so fucked up little mind can come up with. Anything you create should come with a little spark of individuality, in which case, it'll have something no other writer or artist's work can have. Being uniquely from you is something that gives something value in and of itself.

Can’t think of a good title

5 years ago
Odds are you're not going to write something as good as Shakespeare. Neither is anyone else. But there's still plenty of good stuff to read out there, isn't there?

Can’t think of a good title

5 years ago

Honestly, I do get that feeling. So you don't have to feel like it's just you feeling it.  Lots of people get insecure. But, you know what? That's okay that you feel that way. That energy is going to be there no matter what, you can't fight it.  What you can do is figure out if that energy is going to be a negative or a positive. I'm extremely self-critical, but I use that to figure out how I can do better. Rather than a weight to drag me down, I use it as a motive for improving. 


Yes, other people are going to write better; others will write worse, too. You know who will write better than you? You, with more experience. The only way to get there is to do that writing, put your work out there, and learn from your experiences.  It's okay if you aren't confident in your work, because you can always get better.  Just give yourself the chance to grow, the first step is always the hardest.  You aren't alone, either.  Like I've said before, there is a wealth of resources and experience here for you to tap into.


So don't be so hard on yourself; it's okay to feel that way, as long as you use it to move forward. 

Can’t think of a good title

5 years ago
The only way to get good like the "others" is to keep doing "it" until you are that good. That's how they did it.