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First Dumb Question of the Day

5 years ago

How do I comment on a game I have played. I think I am overlooking that option somewhere. 

First Dumb Question of the Day

5 years ago

No one's replied to you and I feel bad, even if I pay no attention to things and have no clue who you are.

When you play a storygame, usually at an ending, an option you can click that says 'End Game and Leave Comments' will come up. Clicking that will first let you rate the game, after you rate the game, (or click the continue to skip rating), write and post a comment. So you do have to get a link that takes you too the rating screen in the actual storygame menu. Hope that helps.

First Dumb Question of the Day

5 years ago

First Dumb Question of the Day

5 years ago

I can't believe you've done this.

First Dumb Question of the Day

5 years ago


First Dumb Question of the Day

5 years ago
You have to go back to the game and find an end link. Then it will have you rate it before giving you the option to comment.

First Dumb Question of the Day

5 years ago

thanks very much

First Dumb Question of the Day

5 years ago

You can comment after finding your way to an end game link. If you’ve already played it you’ll have to go through it again. The comment page is after the rating page.

First Dumb Question of the Day

5 years ago

thank you very much.