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Omnipotent and Excellent Overlords

5 years ago
I know who the admins are, however I was wondering about this minor deity known as a moderator. Who are the moderators? How much power do they have? Why do wamen not atracc to me :’,’,’,’,(. i so nice to it why no feet pic. i sad.

Sorry for the rant, my mom doesn’t understand me and my MP3 player broke so I can’t listen to Green Day to get out my feelings and she took away my razors and dulled the kitchen knives.

Long Live CYStia

Omnipotent and Excellent Overlords

5 years ago
I’m actually curious about this as well. Is there such a thing as a moderator on CYS? If so, what can they do? And who are the moderators?

Omnipotent and Excellent Overlords

5 years ago

I am a moderator on CYS. 

However, as what I moderate is the CoG forum, I would say the power I wield here is nil, and it's very refreshing.  But I can totally moderate stuff even without power.  Go ahead, say something, and I will moderate the hell out of it.

Omnipotent and Excellent Overlords

5 years ago
Lol ok. I am now saying a sentence in English for Gower to moderate the hell out of.

Omnipotent and Excellent Overlords

5 years ago

I look upon this sentence, and lo, it is good.

Omnipotent and Excellent Overlords

5 years ago

Omnipotent and Excellent Overlords

5 years ago

BradinDvorak, Will, Ogre and fleshnblood_78 are all non admin moderators in one or more capacities.

Omnipotent and Excellent Overlords

5 years ago
What does that really mean though? They just have a lot of influence? I know that BradinDvorak and Ogre work with code, but what about the other two?

Omnipotent and Excellent Overlords

5 years ago

They have elevated privileges. They vary from person to person.

Omnipotent and Excellent Overlords

5 years ago
Ah ok thanks :)

Omnipotent and Excellent Overlords

5 years ago
What does Will do?

Omnipotent and Excellent Overlords

5 years ago

He has Articles powers.

Omnipotent and Excellent Overlords

5 years ago
Ah, now I know who I else I can get good with when I someday try to submit my CHAD articles

Omnipotent and Excellent Overlords

5 years ago
Well now I’m looking forward to said CHAD articles.

Omnipotent and Excellent Overlords

5 years ago
Well now I have to think of what said CHAD articles are going to entail.
I'm thinking they'll involve milk and praising EndMaster.

Omnipotent and Excellent Overlords

5 years ago

They sound like the kind of artice I’d get every newbie to read when they first post on Newbie Central.

Omnipotent and Excellent Overlords

5 years ago
Can the moderators change forum posts or is that exclusively admins?

Omnipotent and Excellent Overlords

5 years ago

A forum moderator could.