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4 years ago


Our names are Wyatt (11) and Jason (46). Our story game was deleted. We were wondering if you could help us get it back.

Our game is called Saving Baby Big. It was below average on everything. It was our first try at making a story game. Not very good I guess, but we loved it and we put a lot of work into it.

We were wondering if you can help us get it back. You wouldn't want to lose a new user, would you? We love chooseyourstory, but we were very disappointed when our work was suddenly deleted. 

We will give you one large chocolate chip cookie as a reward if you can help us recover our story. 


Wyatt and Jason


4 years ago
Well I have to wonder at least a little what a 46 year old man is doing hanging out with an 11 year old boy, but I checked and I'm afraid it's gone.

Real shame, I'm sure the two of you worked for months on that 804 word story game. That's....402 words each, damn.

Well I guess we've lost you as an author now. I hope can still struggle on.

I'll always remember your story fondly as the one that somehow led to Serpent randomly doxxing his grandfather in the Discord though. Good times.


4 years ago

Why you bully me?  :(



4 years ago

Well that's all the reason I needed.


4 years ago
Kid had to be the only one here who didn't see that coming.


4 years ago


4 years ago
Yep, might as well start a new one.


4 years ago
I don't remember anybody actually deleting the game, but I recall sort of figuring this was an alt since it took the time to give Endmaster and Cricket both a 1/8, and some other detail I can't recall.

Serpent doxxing his grandpa was pretty hilarious and distracting and really the only reason I remember any of this.