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question for people who own a 360

18 years ago
What's your gamertag? Mine is Cometsfan.

question for people who own a 360

18 years ago


question for people who own a 360

18 years ago
I don't think anybody has a 360, Vader.

question for people who own a 360

18 years ago



Shut up october :D

question for people who own a 360

18 years ago
Everybody who's anybody has a 360! :P Mine's madglee323.

question for people who own a 360

18 years ago


What games you got?

question for people who own a 360

18 years ago
mine is: 360isexpensiveandifibuyitiwonthavetimetoplayit

question for people who own a 360

18 years ago
Sorry max characters are way below that :D

question for people who own a 360

18 years ago
ahahha :P

question for people who own a 360

18 years ago
Bought it for myself for christmas with my 50 inch DRP! I have NHL 07, Perfect Dark Zero, and I play Halo2 on it sometimes. Been trying to get Las Vegas or Gears of War cheap on ebay. Frigging games are way too much for me. I can't wait till Shadowrun comes out - should be tight. Oh, and what's that one by the system shock people? Bioshock I think.

question for people who own a 360

18 years ago
do you guys have the pro system?

question for people who own a 360

18 years ago
And I just sent you guys a message on live.

question for people who own a 360

18 years ago
GEARS OF WAR is suppose to be the best game ever. i would buy a 360 and that would be my first game!

question for people who own a 360

18 years ago
Instead of getting an Xbox 360, go for a PS3.

question for people who own a 360

18 years ago
Well a 360 is almost as good and is $200 cheaper.

question for people who own a 360

18 years ago
I have a PS3. Not a 360, so i can't tell you anything sorry.

question for people who own a 360

18 years ago



question for people who own a 360

18 years ago

I've got a normal Xbox, not a 360. Also a Playstation 2. Haven't bought any of the newer consoles. My favourite games on the Xbox are Shenmue II and Jade Empire. Shenmue II was great, a 3rd person martial arts adventure game in Hong Kong, set in 1987 - and when you walk into game arcades in one area of Hong Kong, you can click on the arcade machines there, and it lets you play SEGA's old 80's arcade games :)

Mostly I find, though, that I prefer playing PC games.

question for people who own a 360

18 years ago
the only pc game that i play is counter strike. Although, in the summer when i have the time, i will play command and conquer (the very first original one) and c&c red alert 2.

question for people who own a 360

18 years ago
SC is 10X better then C&C

question for people who own a 360

18 years ago
C&C was so phat. I mainly play PC games, too, but ever since I got that huge TV been playing my xbox. PS3 blows, at least with any game that's out now. All the graphics comparisons I've seen show it's not as good as the 360. Granted, it has potential to be better - but it's not.

question for people who own a 360

18 years ago
Yes and the Xbox is getting more games faster then any other system.  All the large producers besides Nintendo (blah) and Sony (dont really make many games n e way) are producing for Xbox -- nearly exclusively.

question for people who own a 360

18 years ago
Mine is Yo_Baby_Daddy

question for people who own a 360

18 years ago

question for people who own a 360

18 years ago
whateva man