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A rewritten Attack.

17 years ago

Dear Simpsons

I politely request that you unpublish your worthless copy of a good game immediately upon pain of horrible things. Your atrocious handling of phenomenal ideas that you stole from my hard worked effort is frankly horrible and atrocious.  I hope you erm erm go to a certain horrible place that no one likes.  Be warned this offense will never be forgiven.  You took identical links, formulas and ideas from my game.  Its not even published so no one can make a judgement.

Sincerely yours, with hate.


A rewritten Attack.

17 years ago
P.S: To all those wondering about that weird post, I had a much more frank, and err vulgar one that March wanted me to delete.  Basically I hate Simpsons for stealing something I worked absolutely avidly on for a long time both developping and writing.  He barbarised it and make it absolute horrible.

A rewritten Attack.

17 years ago

don't tell people how to hack games JJJ!  DAMN! lol


A rewritten Attack.

17 years ago
Sorry, just I need people to believe that I really did come up with this, and that he fricking stole my entire thing here.  Now should I go ahead, even though tons is revealed?  (Such as the layout and such)

A rewritten Attack.

17 years ago

then I'll explain:  JJJ has some extremely sophisticated scripting that is VERY unique (and elaborate) which was copied line for line.   Maybe Simpsons didn't know any better (thought I don't see how) but he was penalized for it.  The games were nearly identical.


A rewritten Attack.

17 years ago

Except mine was good and his wasnt and mine had some effort and a bit of english in it..

Thanks march. Sorry about that.

A rewritten Attack.

17 years ago

Did Simpsons really steal directly from your game?  How could he if it isn't published? 

(I see that you posted threads asking questions about scripts, so I understand how he could get those scripts into his game.)

A rewritten Attack.

17 years ago

Saw both games, date of creation, etc.  game is deleted and simpsons penalized.  JJJ, magventure is a REALLY neat and original idea.   Right now it closely mirrors the site - make it FUN.  What it needs is a GOAL and a reason to have that goal - like you're competing against somebody to get the highest points on the site (somebody you know is a bad egg and they're trying to become a mod)... just a thought.


A rewritten Attack.

17 years ago
Actually there is a secret, (PM if you want to know).  Lets just say it involves a bit of err mayhem.  AMong hte owners actually.

A rewritten Attack.

17 years ago
How much is he penalized (I personally wanted him banned.  How owuld you like it if someone published a finals week that was half assed before you got it out?)

A rewritten Attack.

17 years ago
P.P.S: For those of you who think Im a nutbar because Im referring to a non existent game.  It was deleted :D

A rewritten Attack.

17 years ago

I didn't ban Havacoman for this little stunt:

though I was a bit pissed off.  It was a stupid idea of Simpsons and should there be a next time, he will prob be banned.  I doubt there will be.  Honestly, his biggest penalty is the amount of time that he still prob put into that game. lol


A rewritten Attack.

17 years ago
Yeah, I guess. How many points?

A rewritten Attack.

17 years ago



A rewritten Attack.

17 years ago

I respect that decision.  Man now Im not sure If wanna go through with my game.  His kinda ruins the suspense of the system.

A rewritten Attack.

17 years ago

No!  You can't not finish it now!!   There's plenty of suspense!  I wanna play magventure. . . .

(Y'know, you're right.  cysventure sounds like something medical. . .)

A rewritten Attack.

17 years ago
lo, ok.  Jsut waiting for alex.  (To do scripting)

A rewritten Attack.

17 years ago

I hate when I do ellipses and it wraps around. . . 

(Is that even the plural of ellipsis?)

Anyway, I'm not the master prognosticator of the site, but I predict that this will be an awesome game.

A rewritten Attack.

17 years ago
Thanks :D

A rewritten Attack.

17 years ago

"just I need people to believe that I really did come up with this, and that he fricking stole my entire thing here."

you should know 3j that not one person on this site would have a problem knowing that. take a deep breath, the game was taken down, and yours will be much much better.


A rewritten Attack.

17 years ago
Hey hey! listen to nate lol, i was about to write basically the same thing, but yeah, we believe you JJJ, and simpsons is a tard or w/e lol, and i dont really understand what happened, but i do know that JJJ made a game and simpsons copied it...

A rewritten Attack.

17 years ago

JJJ makes  MAG

A few pages in JJJ co-authors simpsons (or simpsons hacks it, cant remember which). 
JJJ Announces Delays
Simpsons copies Structure of game word for word, link for link.
Spends a half assed few minutes filling it out and publishes
JJJ get spissed.

A rewritten Attack.

17 years ago

Ahh, i see now... thank you!

A rewritten Attack.

17 years ago

Game Gets Deleted
JJJ could have gotten in alot of trouble for being err. very vulgar.

A rewritten Attack.

17 years ago
lol, well, at least he got punished...

A rewritten Attack.

17 years ago
Yes.  Magventure done tonight or tommorow night most likely.

A rewritten Attack.

17 years ago

A rewritten Attack.

17 years ago
Im thinkign tonight (if I dont pass out lol was up all night playing civilization IV)

A rewritten Attack.

17 years ago
lol, well im happy, i got my random encounter script done, now i can work on the battle script while nate works on a million cutscenes (poor guy), then after that, our game will almost be done...

A rewritten Attack.

17 years ago

Good JJJ!  Happy to know it's almost done.  That way you can quit delaying your firefly game.


A rewritten Attack.

17 years ago

That will be difficult.  I may save it for the next contest, you know for brownie points.

A rewritten Attack.

17 years ago
Let's have a Firefly fanfic contest. . .

A rewritten Attack.

17 years ago
hehe, well i have no idea what firefly is but im sure if jjj were to make it, it would be a good game...

A rewritten Attack.

17 years ago

lol thx, your too kind.

A rewritten Attack.

17 years ago
March penalized me, and I admit I did something wrong. Believe me I learned not to do that again.  Also Solo, I'm  not a retard  at all.

A rewritten Attack.

17 years ago

March penalized me, - Rightfully

and I admit I did something wrong. - F*cking Rights

Believe me I learned not to do that again.  - You better not.

Also Solo, I'm  not a retard  at all. - He called you a tard... Which you are.

A rewritten Attack.

17 years ago

CHILDREN!  Behave!  No Fighting!

JJJ, no name calling.

Simpsons, say you're sorry.


A rewritten Attack.

17 years ago
ahha, march i saw that... i guess you deleted it or something, but anwyays, yeah, i was gonna say that i called you a tard... but JJJ already pointed that out...

A rewritten Attack.

17 years ago
o, i see, you changed your post lol!

A rewritten Attack.

17 years ago
I'll listen to March, I'm extremely sorry JJJ. I knew I did something wrong, but i won't do it again.

A rewritten Attack.

17 years ago

A rewritten Attack.

17 years ago
Hold on, waht did you see that he deleted?

A rewritten Attack.

17 years ago
stop fighting children or something.... nothing bad or anything, just i saw him post-delete-repost like i do sometimes lol

A rewritten Attack.

17 years ago

"CHILDREN!  Behave!  No Fighting!

JJJ, no name calling.

Simpsons, say you're sorry.

march "





lol this?

A rewritten Attack.

17 years ago
no no no, it was a different version of what he said... like quit fighting like children or something, then he changed it to the one above...

A rewritten Attack.

17 years ago
lol dang, the first copies usually harsher.  (And therefore much mroe humourous)

A rewritten Attack.

17 years ago
yeah, exactly, but this one wasnt LOL, i just thought it was funny that he barely changed what he said...

A rewritten Attack.

17 years ago

I guess he wants to be diplomatic.

OH wait... This is March we're talking about.  (Just kidding March :D )

A rewritten Attack.

17 years ago

JJJ- did you notice that  the game description of Magventure includes the following:

Simpsons: Got the idea after playing your game.

A rewritten Attack.

17 years ago

The only reason I changed my post was to change your to you're.  We can quit talking about that.


A rewritten Attack.

17 years ago
thank you march lol, jeez i didnt mean to like span a whole discussion about it LOL!

A rewritten Attack.

17 years ago

You might mean that post in 2 ways.

1. Im a hypocrite for getting mad at him after copying my game.  Well I never copied his game, its nothing like his game. His game's just in the same field.

2. Im thanking him even though I hate him.  Just cuz I hate him doesnt change the fact that the inspiration came from his game.

A rewritten Attack.

17 years ago

yeah, number 2 was more like it.


A rewritten Attack.

17 years ago

i wouldnt apologize if i were u j.

A rewritten Attack.

17 years ago
Never.  ID sooner leave and tahts a far cry from happening.

A rewritten Attack.

17 years ago

I meant forgive. Sorry.


A rewritten Attack.

17 years ago

Too late to apoligize SINNER!

A rewritten Attack.

17 years ago
lol chocobot.

A rewritten Attack.

17 years ago
u mean, binladen, right?

A rewritten Attack.

17 years ago
Likely Chocobot.

A rewritten Attack.

17 years ago

oh that binladen, what a kidder!


A rewritten Attack.

17 years ago
lol, yeah never follows trhrough or anything.

A rewritten Attack.

17 years ago

That was that damn DorkVader_13. he hacked into my account!!! He should be thrown in jail!! (stupid american jails)

A rewritten Attack.

17 years ago
Stupid cuz we dont dip them in Acid like your friend Saddam? Oh wait.. Look where he ended up.  Maybe American Jails are good.