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A Horror Writer Goes Too Far

16 years ago

MEXICO CITY, Mexico (AP) -- An aspiring horror novelist was arrested after police discovered his girlfriend's torso in his closet, a leg in the refrigerator and bones in a cereal box, the city prosecutor's spokesman said Thursday.


Jose Luis Calva receives medical attention after being hit by a car while trying to elude police on October 8.

Nearby they found the draft of a novel titled "Cannibalistic Instincts," said the official, who spoke on customary condition of anonymity.

Jose Luis Calva told police he had boiled some of his girlfriend's flesh but that he hadn't eaten it, the spokesman said.

The official also confirmed other details released by the prosecutor's office Wednesday night: that body parts were spread throughout the apartment, and that Calva is being investigated in the deaths of three women whose mutilated bodies had been found in and around the capital.

The prosecutor's office said Calva tried to escape when officers entered his apartment, but was struck by a car and hasn't recovered enough to give a formal statement to police.

Police had come to Calva's apartment Monday to investigate the disappearance of his girlfriend, Alejandra Galeana, a 30-year-old pharmacy clerk and single mother, according to the prosecutor's office.

The office said that parts of her dismembered body was discovered in a closet, the refrigerator and inside a cereal box.

Calva also is being investigated in the mutilation killings of an unidentified prostitute in April and an ex-girlfriend whose body was found in 2004, the prosecutor's office said

A Horror Writer Goes Too Far

16 years ago

A Horror Writer Goes Too Far

16 years ago
I'm sure the book he writes as he rots in prison will be good

A Horror Writer Goes Too Far

16 years ago
yeah lol

A Horror Writer Goes Too Far

16 years ago
That was quite stupid of him.

A Horror Writer Goes Too Far

16 years ago
People have done worse things

A Horror Writer Goes Too Far

16 years ago

According to police in Warsaw, Poland, novelist Krystian Bala might have gotten away with torturing and murdering a businessman in 2000 if only he had resisted writing about his crime in his 2003 novel, "Amok." The trail for the killer had been cold for several years until a tipster informed police of the book. In the plot, which authorities say bore a distinct resemblance to the 2000 murder, were details that police say could only have been known by the killer. After investigating, police found several other ties Bala had to the crime, including the fact that the victim was Bala's ex-wife's lover. Bala was sentenced in September to 25 years in prison. [The Times (London), 8-9-07]