Just a random post for fun :)
The following are members that I think are alike. Feel free to post your own.
Tsmpaul - AlexpMage - Younger AnubisSethaniel - EndmasterSilverman - DV13Zero - Myself?Fleshy - SolostrikeOctober - Zero?Corinthian - Myself? (A la Seth)Bob - Simpsons - Redeye - Glue - Expander - etc.Miccy2000 - SolostrikeRommel - HavacomanLeon101 - October (This one is a little out there)Donteatpoop - CorinthianRommel - March5th00 without Power (Out there, I'll admit)Chocobot - INDIVIDUALJdog - Devin711
Well I see you and Zero as both being decetly good at debates, similiar views on a few issues, etc.
You and Leon, well I dunna what my reasoning was, I had something decent yesterday :P
Fleshy/Solo: You're alike in your views on many things.
madglee: Yeah, I don't think there's anyone even remotely close to you.
Sethaniel: You and Endmaster both write extremely well and you both seem to demonstrate similar levels of creativity. Although, you don't copy games and steal contests ;)
and then Havacoman...I grew to like that guy too *cries* lol
But seriously I was totally left out of this thread
This isn't that old of a thread. . .
And Leon, you and October both seem to come and go. October is more regular but he goes on forum stints. You're both on the quiet/modest side, and you're both cool dudes.
You're both reasonable people.
I am like -
hiddendragon - all the 100 000etc of users who have forgotten about this site,
left their account to expire or simple have forgotten the password…
Just thought I’d pop back for the first time in about two years and say hi…
Yea I've been good. I lost the advantage of free time that all you young’ens have!
Finished studying and its all work no play, well that’s not true. I went travelling…
In fact I went to Egypt at one point in my trip and now I know all about Anubis!
Well that explains where his "free time" has gone.
lol, yep... I think I have octobers address somewhere! and I have his phone number... If i wanted to stalk someone!
hmmm... October may never speak to me again.