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Aussieland's Ignorance Filter!?

16 years ago,,24795948-5014108,00.html

Well, the new government's "Unhated" time has now passed. History comes full circle once again as the new government shows it's dark side. This unending cycle of idealism/fucking up/kicked out is now in the second stage.

Aussieland's Ignorance Filter!?

16 years ago

Aussieland's Ignorance Filter!?

16 years ago


That's a bigger epic fail than Ptolemy.

But last time I checked, DLC stood for DownLoadable Content.

Aussieland's Ignorance Filter!?

16 years ago

Dude. Downloaded means data packets travelling from the outside world to your computer. That's ALL data. Websites, chat messages, ads, files, cookies, video streaming, game data... It's all downloaded. Why else does your internet credit go slack after watching too many youtube videos or playing TF2 for 24 hours straight?

So they're not going to place restrictions on uploaded data? Big whoop.

Soo, yeah. Basically I'm getting more and more cynical and disillusioned by the day. When I can vote maybe I'll just keep voting for the opposition...

Aussieland's Ignorance Filter!?

16 years ago
Dude, if that comes to Canada, I'd be fucking rioting, get out there man!

Aussieland's Ignorance Filter!?

16 years ago

The Government need to accept that they can't, don't, and never will own the internet.

Aussieland's Ignorance Filter!?

16 years ago
If they ever succeed then we can kiss any civil liberties goodbye.

Aussieland's Ignorance Filter!?

16 years ago

Well... I guess I could always move to New Zealand. Or set up a proxy server there.

But yeah, this is waaaaay to reminiscent of the Great Firewall of China. I hope the commentators meant what they said about savvy people overriding the controls... I'll have to really pay attention in my CISCO course next year.

And, when all else fails... SECOND MELBOURNE UNDERGROUND!

Aussieland's Ignorance Filter!?

16 years ago
Oh yeah man, it will be no trouble to get around, pathetically easy. Use bloody grabfaster hahaha.

It just means that everything is slower and not all java will work. It's just fucking annoying and intrusive. They can burn in hell.

Aussieland's Ignorance Filter!?

16 years ago

A secret government blacklist of websites that no Australians are allowed to look at?


Aussieland's Ignorance Filter!?

16 years ago

And peer to peer networks

Why can't we have a government that doesn't fuck anything up...

Aussieland's Ignorance Filter!?

16 years ago

Aussieland's Ignorance Filter!?

16 years ago

And y'all elected them?

Aussieland's Ignorance Filter!?

16 years ago

Governments don't reveal such things when an election is at stake. Besides, we had to get rid of the git who eroded the decades spent to secure decent working conditions (Work Choices) and bribed a corporation to fire it's workers and replace them with ones who didn't have a union (Waterfront reform). Not to mention the despicable treatment of asylum seekers in defiance of international law.

I thought a new government would have changed them. But the job of running the country seems to attract the most cold-hearted bastards seen outside insurance companies.

Aussieland's Ignorance Filter!?

16 years ago

Sounds almost as bad as the US...perhaps worse.

Aussieland's Ignorance Filter!?

16 years ago
It's just brutal.

Aussieland's Ignorance Filter!?

16 years ago

Yeah. My dad almost moved back to England when Howard was in power. He said he didn't want to live in a country that does these things to people.

Has there been a government in the history of the planet that hasn't fucked something up?

Aussieland's Ignorance Filter!?

16 years ago
There have been plenty who haven't been THAT bad lol.

Aussieland's Ignorance Filter!?

16 years ago

At least we have the Chasers to mock the government. Nobody does it better. Not even Newstopia.

Aussieland's Ignorance Filter!?

16 years ago

I'm sure the early communities when humans were small bands of wandering hunters and gatherers worked better than, say, Imperial Rome from a corruption comparison point of view.

Aussieland's Ignorance Filter!?

16 years ago

Well, the hunter/gatherers didn't have to worry about internet filters.  (The romans had them, they just didn't know what to do with them.)

Aussieland's Ignorance Filter!?

16 years ago

Exactly, that was a simpler time back in the long ago BC's.

Good times...

Aussieland's Ignorance Filter!?

16 years ago

Dammit. How can we have leisure and good government at once?

Aussieland's Ignorance Filter!?

16 years ago


Eventually it MIGHT become complete virtual engulfment as I'll probably call it, but frankly I want to stay with my screen and controller! I fear that total immersion will make humans patheticer.

Aussieland's Ignorance Filter!?

16 years ago

The Internet will free the world, IF we don't let the various governments fuck it up. The good thing is that the internet is so widespread (3rd world countries now), that if only one or two governments censor, the internet will live on and people can bypass filters to access different nation's internet. (proxy).

When that fails, time to set up internet domain .iw (international waters)

Aussieland's Ignorance Filter!?

16 years ago
Yeah, if we lose the internet... we lose.

Aussieland's Ignorance Filter!?

16 years ago

You know Rommel, this sounds like the basis of a really cool story about a rebellion against a totalitarian internet in a society in the not-too-distant future.

Aussieland's Ignorance Filter!?

16 years ago

TRON style CYBERWARZ! Awesome! Gamers will lead the resistance!

Maybe after TP 2.

Aussieland's Ignorance Filter!?

16 years ago

It'd be called V1V4 L4 R3V0LUC10N.

Aussieland's Ignorance Filter!?

16 years ago

1. I'm pissed about this.
2. Really pissed.
3. Like seriously what the fuck?
4. Game censorship has already gone too far in Australia, I wanted Manhunt 2 on Wii so badly, and San Andreas was off shelves waaay too long.

I hope this doesn't happen, I really don't, as a passionate hater of government cover-ups and especially censorship, I really hope Australia, one of the only countries in the world that struggles for political joke material without making fart jokes, does not end up like China, a government who runs their country in a way that I hope future generations will view as totalitarian and fascist.

Sure smart people do now, but they barely scratch the surface.

P.S. I'm not ripping on China here guys, I know plenty of people of Chinese descent, my Dad's friend for example, great guy, I'm just ripping on censorship, the biggest kick in the testicles of the personified manly gun-toting m*th*r f*ck*r that is freedom.
Oh and 5, great idea Anubis, it could so work, go for it ey.

Aussieland's Ignorance Filter!?

16 years ago

Wait, we don't already think China is totalitarian and fascist? lol

And I know plenty of Chinese people who are nice, cool, and smart (I thought it was just a stereotype, but THEY ARE SMARTER THAN ALL THE REST OF THE CLASS!!) and I don't say, "So, how's Hu Jintao this morning? Fascist? That's good..." Although that would be funny yet RACIST!!!!!!!!!11111one


Calming down now, thanks Miccy. Wilco.