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parents vs me

15 years ago
Well, it had to happen sooner or later. My christian parents are now aware that i don't believe.

They assume that I am in denial, going through a "phase". They tell me that non-belief is a form of arrogance.

No more. Their indoctrination has failed, and if cheap psychology is all they have, I don't want to be one of them.

Because theyre my parents, this is a difficult time for me. I can see that they are hurt, but dammit, i am not going to sit through another mass I dont even believe in.

Just had to get that off my chest.

parents vs me

15 years ago
Ironically the answer to this, from me, is "amen".

parents vs me

15 years ago

Haha, JJJ, you funny bitch. :p

I agree with you, dude.  There is absolutely no reason for you to sit through something you're not going to get anything out of.  It would be hypocritical for you to do so, if you ask me.  This is coming from someone who does "believe," as you say.  I've never been fond of ass.. people who force, or rather, impose their beliefs on others, nor for that matter those who, as you say, accuse you of being in denial about your closet whatever-it-may-be (..... Anubis <.<).  It shows real intolerance and borderline ignorance, as I see it.

They don't know if they're right, and to dismiss your "beliefs," or lack thereof, because they're different is some shitty business.  But anyways, that's just what I see out of all this.

My only question is:  Why is this you verses your parents?  Unless there's something I missed, there's no reason for there to be a division amongst you.

parents vs me

15 years ago

It just makes things tense when we talk about it, and sometimes it flares up into a flame war... in real life. Without the leet speak. I made the thread after one such encounter.

parents vs me

15 years ago

at first I had my doubts.....but i'm defintely sure....there's powerful guy up there...but I do understand why ppl don't belive

parents vs me

15 years ago

Even when there's that feeling of intensity, which there will be when talking about this stuff, you can still be candid and respectful about the views.  When one loses their cool is when you know who can reinforce their argument and who can't.

parents vs me

15 years ago
OK, your post seemed coherent, until out of the blue you come out with: "I've never been fond of ass."

More of a boobs guy? That's cool but keep it in your pants (shirt?), this is a religious conversation we're having! ;)

parents vs me

15 years ago

Hahah, wow!  I didn't expect that interpretation!

What I was going to write was "assholes," but instead I stuck with "people."  I didn't want to get rid of "ass" though, because I thought it seemed kinda funny: "I've never been fond of ass-people who...." :p

parents vs me

15 years ago

But yes, I know what we're talking about here. haha

parents vs me

15 years ago
Interesting. I agree with Zero on this subject and see no reason to repost the wall of text.

parents vs me

15 years ago
lol not fond of ass....

damnit religion shouldn't be forced, it has to be found by one's own self or else your following it out of requirement and not faith, which defeats the purpose.

parents vs me

15 years ago
Zero, you of all people should know that you never cut off a sentence with an ellipsis. Use two dashes instead. Who doesn't like a good ass? You're a disgrace to males all around the world, you know that?

parents vs me

15 years ago
(and even lezbians).

parents vs me

15 years ago

You're right dude, what's wrong with me?  Haha, I guess I've beeb trippin' balls lately... I mean vaginas!  Vaginas and asses!


parents vs me

15 years ago

Been tripping, that is. haha

parents vs me

15 years ago

Wait, I saw lesbians. What about lesbians!?

Anyway, I agree with you, Rommy, and you too Zero. First of all, I believe in God, but I don't think that one should impose one's belief on others. What good will that do? That just causes more hate and that's something that we don't need. Accept the person's beliefs, have an interesting debate, but still be friends or at very least respect one-another. The fact that your parents call this phase arrogance is arrogant in of itself. That's assuming they're 100% correct and you're just a juvenile ass (a nice ass, mind you) that doesn't know what he's talking about, but that's bullshit, and we know it. GODDAMN THIS IS PISSIN' ME OFF!

But I have to say, atheists are also at fault here. Sometimes they get arrogant and disregard religion as one big fairytale (JJJ >8O). The thing is atheists believe that the faithful have no proof, and yet those who worship science believe that atoms exist and gravity is actually there. Well, it's not the same, right? Not really. You believe it's there, you have proof, but you can't see it. You can't see God, but there is proof that he exists. So it's equal in that respect. Now, in conclusion, I'll say that I focus more on the philosophy and the way of life that religion teaches people, and that it can have a positive effect on a culture, but I'm actually for religion NOT having governmental power or it becomes corrupt, and I'll be the first one to cite the Medieval Era and the Crusades as the negative effects of religion. Still, religion's not all bad, science is not all bad, but intolerance is fucking gay. (You like my political correctness there?)

So anyway, Rommy, you have to sit down with your parents and debate. It'd piss me off and I'd never forgive you if let your parents steamroll over you about this. If you don't believe in God, your parents can't pound it into your head. Just remember! Show them respect! GOT THAT!? Good. This is a major issue, mah boi, so present it professionally and take time to hear what your parents say. Give them an opportunity to convert you back, and then try to convert them back. So GOOD LUCK MAH BOI!

parents vs me

15 years ago
Thanks, Anubis, but I have to make a distinction here. The sciences only deal with the natural world, ie what we can observe. Just because we cannot see them, doesnt mean we cant use microscopes and tests.

But the supernatural cannot be studied by natural means. Ever. The furthest you can get is philosophy/theology, and that is rife with speculation. The only solution is for the supernatural beings to intervene. Maybe that's why there are so many different portrayals of God.

parents vs me

15 years ago

But you still see my point that even those who believe in science have faith in their theory.

parents vs me

15 years ago

Haha, I annoyed my chem teacher last year by bringing up a similar point (or at least you reminded me of what happened).

Throughout the year, my friend and I would always ask obscure questions, most of which were made admittedly just to piss him off.  :p  He one days said that it was all technecally "theory," but it was all tested thoroughly and repeatedly, so that it was often regarded as "fact" in the scientific community.  So I asked him, "Then... it's all just theory?"

"They're not just theories...  But essentially, yes.  We can't actually see and count every little atom, but we know it's there because of . . ."

"So... it's a theory.  Am I correct here?"

"Yes.  It's a 'theory'"

"Ok, then given your teaching it and our studying it, it's theology!  Great, you've proven it!  Religion and Science are one in the same!"

I was just being an ass, but was fun. :p

parents vs me

15 years ago

He never told you the difference between a theory and a hypothesis? Then he deserved it.

parents vs me

15 years ago

Rofl, I love pissing off teachers, Zero mah boi. I practically ran my Global History teacher this year. Literally, my classmates would ask me "Is that true?" whenever my teacher taught something by the end of the year.

Anyway, Rommy, I'm basically saying that science and religion both have their pros and cons and truths and falicies.

parents vs me

15 years ago
Since respect was mentioned, that means if, after sitting down and talking with your parents they still don't agree with you and force you to go to church etc, you have to respect their decision because they are your parents. Regardless of the issue at hand, if your parents say something, you have to respect it because they are supporting you etc... (at least, thats what i believe filial respect is...)

parents vs me

15 years ago
I totally disagree. When you're able to contemplate this, as we are, then you're ready to make your own decisions when it comes to opinion. In fact, you should be able to formulate your opinions from the time you start having opinions. If they tell you not to be out after 10, as stupid as it is, you're obliged to listen. If they tell you that you have to be Christian, well fuck them! They can try and persuade you, they can ask you, they can try and warn you of the "dangers", they can guilt you, whatever. THEY CANNOT FORCE RELIGION DOWN YOUR THROAT. I do not care if they're your parents or the President of the United States of America.

parents vs me

15 years ago
(not to say that you agree with filial respect Solostrike, but I don't think that that's what it is.)

parents vs me

15 years ago
Either i wasnt clear or you didnt read correctly, i do not say that if your parents tell you to believe something, you are forced to believe, no, what i am saying is you have to respect their decision and go through it until you are independent (moving out/go to college/university etc.) What i am saying is, REGARDLESS of the issue at hand, if the parents say he has to go to church, then he has to go... he doesnt have to believe in it, but he must still go...

Maybe thats more clearer....

parents vs me

15 years ago

Not everyone abides to filial piety, and when a parent becomes too controllative, that's bad parenting. A parent should teach their child how to be an adult from day one, and eventually the parent respects the child and the child in turn respects the parent. Filial piety is not fealty, it's mutual respect.

Anyway, I totally agree that forcing religion on people is incorrect. I'm pretty sure it's hypocritical.

parents vs me

15 years ago
People are not perfect. parents are not perfect. Sometimes people do not have parents like that, as is the case here. :(

parents vs me

15 years ago

Well I'm saying that that's what GOOD parenting is.

parents vs me

15 years ago
Well, I still don't agree. Let them try to force me to go to church.

parents vs me

15 years ago

Nah, dude, I know the difference between a theory and a hypothesis.  A hypothesis is what's untested, and a theory is what has been tested and replicated or dubbed to be highly likely (which is kinda funny to me), and that's what he was getting at.  These haven't all been definitively proven, but scientists are damn sure it's so.

Anubis: Nice use of "controllative" there. haha

There is a limit, as I see it.  If your parents tell you to do something, you shouldn't feel normally forced, you should do it out of respect for them.  If you do feel forced, then you do it illmannered and it's often done shittily.  In this case, you feel forced and your parents should know that you're getting less out of it, as you may feel like a hypocrite sitting there with a fake face.  And as Anubis mentioned, I would agree that a Christian person trying to force their beliefs on to others is hypocritical... It really isn't the way to do it, and IF God exists, then I'm sure he's not too happy about their oppressive dickishness, driving people away.

Even still:  Do what you feel is right, dude.  If you're having to spend half your day on something you don't believe, then all the advice I can give you is not to dwell on it.  Just go, be pissed for a few hours if that helps pass the time haha, and the forget about it for 6 days (or however often your family goes).  It's better than being pissed all the time (unless you like like that shit for some reason, in which case piss away).

parents vs me

15 years ago

Ya zero, thats what ive been doing for years now. And im sick of sitting there when I could be blasting zombies. Or watching Nadesico. Or finishing Terra Proxima 2. Or working out which homework i was supposed to do in the holidays.

parents vs me

15 years ago

Even though I am a Christian, I think your parents should respect you not being one.  If you don't believe, they should accept that and love you anyway.

parents vs me

15 years ago

Don't want to diminish the back and forth arguments, but I can tell you right now there's no point in "debating" religion. Religious-minded people will never, ever agree with you, even if their arguments collapse under the weight of keen logic. Almost always, they will throw the word "faith" around once this happens, so it will be easy to spot. Atheists will begin calmly, eventually ending with an attack on religion rather than laying out their points.

Both sides may concede that there is a stalemate because, to paraphrase, "You can't prove or disprove his existence." That seems logical until one realizes that all such logic is based on an absolute model of the Universe, rather than a probability model, which makes a lot more sense, spiritually or logically.

In the end, whatever makes you happier, stick with that.

P.S. Arguing politics can cause even worse eruptions.

parents vs me

15 years ago
Don't worry, we aren't debating over religion, more about parental tyranny.

parents vs me

15 years ago
Watching people argue politics is fun tho...

parents vs me

15 years ago

Especially when nukes are involved.

And thanks for the stereotypes, madglee.

parents vs me

15 years ago

No problem Anubis. Just trying to help you see things clearly.

parents vs me

15 years ago

Hahaha just about sums up Fox News.

parents vs me

15 years ago

Haha, wow... Anubis said what I thought.  Twice.


parents vs me

15 years ago
I understand the problem here.

I came out of the atheist closet about 2 years ago after giving up on religion about a year or so before, so I know exactly what you're going through, my parents STILL won't give up on it and I'm fucking 18 now.

I still love my parents, but when they tell me I'm not being 'open-minded' it annoys the shit out of me really.

Normally Anubis, I'd say 'NO YOU'RE WRONG! SHUT THE FUCK UP!'

I'll be the first one to cite the Medieval Era and the Crusades as the negative effects of religion. Still, religion's not all bad, science is not all bad, but intolerance is fucking gay.

Since you said that though, I won't, because I agree.

As I like to put it, I tolerate religion, but not religious intolerance- except of course, when the religion in question persecutes a certain group of people in a way I believe to be grossly injust, for example, The Westboro Baptist Church.

Here's their website, if you haven't heard of them:

Yeah put simply, I fucking hate those people.

Anyway Rommel, I hope that both our parents learn to tolerate our beliefs, whether they come over to our way of thinking or stay with the one they have currently.

That's my two cents, the best of luck to you Rommel.

parents vs me

15 years ago
Westboro Baptist Church ROFLCOPTER LOL IDIOTS. hahaha.

parents vs me

15 years ago

What'd Anubis say twice? I must have missed it.

parents vs me

15 years ago

Epic fail on Westboro's part. I think it's those people who are the guys going to hell. They spread lies and hatred all in the name of God!? That's blasphemy!

parents vs me

15 years ago
Actually it's what 70% of history is.

parents vs me

15 years ago

Hehe. Baptists. No wonder the american South has it's current reputation.

parents vs me

15 years ago

Yup, they're very closely entwined... Still, there are those from both parties that aren't so intolerant.  I hate those people too, and as Anubis said, it's blasphemous as well. 

These are exactly the kind of guys I started arguing with a couple years ago (close to the time I joined CYS) on youtube.  A bunch of assholes calling my religion lies and satanist and what have you, one of which was an actual fukin' pastor.  His excuse was that he "preached Hell's fire."  That was his username, I think; you can probably find him there, still bashing and hate mongering.  PreachHellsFire, I think it was.

Anyways... Fuck those guys, haha.

parents vs me

15 years ago

Yup, that's him.  Take a look one of his websites:

parents vs me

15 years ago

I think it's over now. They respect my decision, but they still think I'll "come back when I know I don't have all the answers" and when my "intellect stops blocking the Truth".

They seem to be calm, so I'm not going to go to argue with them. It'll just cause grief.

I highly doubt I'll find a reason to go back, though. Let them think that if they want.

parents vs me

15 years ago

Well, if you go back, we do have cookies.

parents vs me

15 years ago
