Wait. Even though this guy sounds like a random troll... Since when do we have easily offended visitors?
I mean, look at Endmaster and his stuff.
Of course, End has writing skill. This guy...
With a description as dumb as that, I want to give that gangsta-wannabe a bitch slap.
"Second of all, your opinion is irrelevant and your impact on society is miniscule"
Bwhahaha! You can pinpoint the second where his heart rips in half!
What a douchebag. Trying to pass off his vulgar junkpile as a cartharsis for his "raging hormones" is bullshit. There are special sites on the interwebz that are made for that, and CYS is not one of them. He also says that his cursing won't affect kids or whatever. No shit! Either people find cussing gratuitous (myself), or a[n immature] joke (Tomor), or it doesn't faze them at all (Somali Warrior Children perhaps?). So no, you're not going to teach kids about life by placing cusses all over the page and getting them hard; you do that by making an effective political statement that's simple, universal, and doesn't contain crap like cussing. It's fucking bullshit in my goddamn faggot asshole fuck!
It's a fucking overall trend that fucking stories based around fucking swearing facking are fucking very badly fucking written. Besides that, fucking f-bombs use their fucking shock value if used too fucking often, even if you do have a fucking dildo up your fucking arse.
Fuck. It pisses me the fuck off.
lol They use their shock value. USE. You lose, Rommy.
Overall I try to keep racy things out of my stories. Sex, language, drugs, etc. I find it gratuitous and usually detracts from the story. I mean, I will use cusses if it's a characteristic of the character (usually if he's uneducated, OR pissed off), and as for sex I'd prolly just show sensuality, and then switch the shot once it starts to get serious. If there's dialogue in bed, I'll show that. You know, it might be important. Drugs will usually just be referenced, as a way to describe the world (ie: They were known for trafficking drugs, etc.).
O rly? I know a few who are here for nothing but the forums.
They sound like filthy shiznos
What is a shizno? Take the smelliest creature on the planet. Does it crap? And, in turn, does it's crap take craps? No? then there is no translation in your language.
Hmm. I wonder if Tomor. LMTL and Realbread are the same person.
Further reconnaisance appreciated.
I just came because of the excessive amount of correct punctuation.
Seriously? Another fucking zombie piece of shit story?
Haha, Rommel reminded me of one of my favorite quotes:
"Fuck you. Fuck you and fuck your mother and fuck the fucking horse you fucking rode in on. You will not even die in battle. No warrior will taste your blood. No one alive will take your life. You will die a soft, poor death. You will die with a kiss on your lips and a lie in your heart." Neil Gaiman
Also, I agree with JJJ, in that this guy is an idiot. haha
How bout this one:
So, what happened to this poo-toh Tomor?
He has been VANQUISHED!
"I'm not dammit."
Damn, that's funny to me! Haha
I swear, if this guy is not bob, I will personally cut Anubis's balls off with Silver's mouth. Personally.
He deserves it.
You better just be kidding. I like mah balls ;(
Man, you're always talking about balls, aren't you?
I am.
this guy is an idiot.
That guys responce doesn't even make sense...
Anubis and Megamantn should be penis partners.
Uh...aren't we?
best fuck friends?
No shit, Sherlock.
yeah, too many people just toss cuss words around to sound cool. only to end up looking stupid. pretty sad.
Nah, it was appropriate. My 8th grade English teacher (who was a beast), upon overhearing a cuss word from one his students, raised his head, opened his mouth, looked at the cusser, and said "I don't mind you swearing. Just don't overdo it. You have to use the swears properly, as to convey emotion." He then returns to his work and lets us continue working on our assignment. Yeah. Mr. LoVullo was my best teacher ever.
That is a massive rant!
I want you to wallow in guilt for eternity as you contemplate the emence proportions of complete unnecessity that your comment adds to the conversation above.
does yours anubis? lol the ultimate paradox when attacking someone for not contributing. oh well. (and i couldnt care less if mine does lol)
I already played my part, ya Nazi. :P
its natzi idiot!
you played your part? want a cookie or something? lol
You better not be serious, Dazohan.
Yeah, or he'll put his penis in your bottom.
Then he'll punch you in the face.
This creates the illusion that you're getting something you want, and then you find that your face hurts.
What if I'm into domination? S'right, bidge.
Either way we get to laugh at you.
i'll like that
What the fuck is wrong with you, Dazohan!? Enough with these pathetic comments.
i'm just taking the mike.
What does that mean?
joking about somit
anubis how did you not know what that ment. seriously.
lol Nah it's my new catchphrase when trying to read Dazohan's messages. Even if they're in perfect English, which has yet to occur.
I think his bad english, stupidity and dumb comments seems like another familiar ex-person to this site.......BOBMCBOB!!! I think Bob has resurfaced himself in one of these retarded recent profiles