lol I love you Zero
and also epic rofl at 25 Killstreak: Chuck Norris! That's the best joke I've heard in a while actually... good stuff.
Anyway, I haven't dug into AC2 or AC^2, but I'm totally psyched to get around to that. I've been raping small children with my M93 Rafficas and TAR-21's in MW2, and I just got to play a full game of Versus on L4D2, and lemme tell you. It is the shit. I particularly love Coach when he says "MOVE YO ASS AND GET SOME GAS!" when you're filling up your escape vehicle. It's more awesome zombie killing fun like the first game, but there's so much new stuff - not just weapons and characters, but the flow of the game is different; the crescendo events require you to move, not camp - that it feels like a totally new experience. Back to MW2, the story is awesome. Yeah, I know it's short, but at least it's not tediously long. Some people found it confusing or something, but they're idiots. And others said it was too action-packed and should be more battlefield-oriented, but does anyone really want to play this game:
(video at the bottom)
So all 3 games will prolly, nay, DEFINITELY last me this whole year, and probably the year after that.