
Forums » Feature Wishing Well » Read Thread

Suggestions for improvements and additions to the site.
This feature was accepted 5/18/2011: Great call!
This feature was completed 5/18/2011: Added the tag

Previously Featured

13 years ago

This was an idea which was discussed before, but dismissed as being "too difficult" to implement.

Could it be done with tags?

Previously Featured

13 years ago
I didn't even know that stories ever got unfeatured.

It would be a cool tag to have! I'd support that. And its actually one of the few things we could change.

Previously Featured

13 years ago
Yeah, only (seven?) stories fit into the featured box for each category. (That's why there was the discussion around HP3. It couldn't just be added as a feature, it had to replace a current featured story.)

I just don't know exactly how tags work- my concern is what if anyone could set that tag on their story when they published it.

Previously Featured

13 years ago
Oh yea. They can. But JJJ can always delete that tag after they publish it. It'd just be something he'd have to watch for.

Previously Featured

13 years ago
Can you guys compile a list?

Previously Featured

13 years ago
I think I got most of them

Previously Featured

13 years ago
Sweet! Thanks, JJJ.

I'd help, but I have no idea which ones used to be featured.