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Tower Of Riddles (Restart)

11 years ago

Tower Of Riddles (Restart)

As everyone is just getting into the Epic Rap Battles, a haggard old Judge in Black Robes suddenly appears in a flash of fire and brimstone. He sits behind a high bench with a flaming gavel and burning coals where his eyes should be. A brass noose has been affixed to the front of his bench and a placard set thereon reads: “His Honor, ‘Hanging Judge’ Ichabod St. Luther.”

To the right of the Judge, stands a tall man in a black business suit with a lawyer’s briefcase.

Lucky Akki the Leprechaun meanwhile, spins around and drops his jaw at the sight, clearly shaken by the strange interruption. “W… What is the m… meaning of this?” Akki asks; taking a huge gulp and suddenly wiping the sweat now beading up on his brow.

“Lucky Akki,” the tall Lawyer intones; “you have been accused of cheating! In that you aided and abetted a known scoundrel of the Kingdom! The mallet-wielding penguin BZ, by slipping him answers to the Riddles, whilst letting his fellows pass or fail on their own merits. How do you plea?”

“Why, I never!” Akki protests, but the Judge’s gavel comes down and before the leprechaun can say more, he vanishes in a puff of sooty smoke.

“Guilty.” The Hanging Judge adds as an afterthought to his gavel.

The tall Lawyer then turns to BZ, but the penguin is halfway out the window by that point. The Lawyer sighs heavily and raises his hand and BZ is dragged across the room and to the foot of the Judge’s bench.

“BZ,” the tall Lawyer intones; “You have been accused of cheating! In that you accepted answers from Lucky Akki the Leprechaun! How do you plea?”

BZ just glares at Aman and calls him a “no good dirty tattletale.” Anyone actually looking closely can see Aman’s Mustache curl itself up into an evil smile…

“Guilty.” The Hanging Judge says; and brings his gavel down once again.

BZ doesn’t disappear like Akki did however, but does suddenly fade partially from view. “What’s this?” BZ asks in awe.

“For your crimes,” the Judge declares loudly, “you are sentenced to carry out the duties of Lucky Akki the Leprechaun, until a winner (not you) can be determined to this mad contest of wits. Until such a time, you are hereby bound as a ghost to the tower and each of its levels.”

“Ooh, ghosty!” BZ replies, and then turns to point an angry flipper at Aman – “I’m so going to haunt you for this!”

“Oh no you’re not!” the Judge bellows at the outburst – “You are going to do your duty, or be forever trapped in this tower! Understand?!?”

“Yes your hanginess!” BZ replies humbly and then remains silent.

The Judge and Lawyer then vanish together in a great puff of sulfuric smoke. Once he’s sure they are gone, BZ turns to stick his ghost tongue out at Aman “Nyah!”

At that point however, the tall Lawyer returns suddenly. “I saw that,” he says, handing BZ a huge stack of papers and disappearing once more.

Rifling through the papers, BZ sees that they are the reports and paperwork for the last set of Riddles and such. “Aw man,” he cries in dismay, “I got to do paperwork?!?”


Once sorted out BZ makes the announcements:

“Alright folks (and Aman),” BZ begins, saying Aman’s name like it was the Black Plague or something, “it says here that everyone got the ‘yellow rock in a purple stream’ Riddle correct. It wasn’t really a riddle so much though, as a check to see who was still posting. So good job everyone. Hurray for us.”

Then flipping some pages he adds, “As for the Rap Battle, well I totally won that hands down! But it says here that I’m no longer eligible for the prize – which is totally bogus BTW – so it goes to Silverfox and Romulus. Both won their rounds by virtue of posting one Rap more than their opponent (or something like that). As such, they each get to advance an Extra Level this Round, but as per the Rules, Romulus can’t do so. He gets to save his Advancement for when he is no longer in the lead or gets bumped back a level somehow.”

“Also, there was a Bonus Riddle, about what Bo was doing this Round. Fireplay has won that with the following: ‘Bo is considering again that dot. He's thinking that's here, that's home, that's us. On it everyone you love, everyone you know, everyone you ever heard of, every human being who ever was, lived out their lives. The aggregate of our joy and suffering, thousands of confident religions, ideologies, and economic doctrines, every hunter and forager, every hero and coward, every creator and destroyer of civilization, every king and peasant, every young couple in love, every mother and father, hopeful child, inventor and explorer, every teacher of morals,  every corrupt politician, every "superstar," every "supreme leader," every saint and sinner in the history of our species lived there – on a mote of dust suspended in a sunbeam. That is what Bo is doing.’”

“Yeah, that’s what I said too, but what are ya going to do?”


New Rule
At this point, everyone is racing to the Final Riddle on Level 20! As there are only 6 Riddle Levels left, we need to give folks in the back a chance to catch up somehow. So here’s what we are going to do:

There will be Two Riddles Each Round. The Level Riddle (Hard) and a Bonus Riddle (Easier – subjectively speaking of course).

On all Levels, you must Answer the Level Riddle to Advance.

On all but the Lead Level, You may Advance Two Levels by correctly Answering Both Riddles.

If you miss the Level Riddle, but correctly Answer the Bonus Riddle, then you get to be Bumped up One Level (and saved) if you’re on the Level about to be consumed in Fire.

The Winner will be whoever (among those on the last Level) answered the last Riddle first.

Non-Winners get burned in the fire and must haunt the tower forever - unless they answer the last Bonus Riddle correctly, in which case, the Winner manages to take them along when he leaves with the Princess.

Tower Of Riddles (Restart)

11 years ago

 photo TOR16_zps28fea1ea.jpg

Once all the legal mumbo jumbo is taken care of, everyone heads up to their new level. As you enter the applicable room, you see a fancy looking ghost seated at a dining table with a cup of coffee. A waiter ghost stands nearby, getting his ass chewed out for such sloppy service.

“I asked you to take this coffee back and fetch me a fresh cup, because this one had a fly in it,” the fancy man chides the waiter, “but here I have taken a sip and see that you have brought me the same cup with the fly removed!”

“But sir,” the waiter complains, “I assure you that it is a fresh cup!”

“Liar!” the man accuses.

How does the fancy man know that the waiter is trying to flimflam him?


Bonus Riddle:
On the far side of the dining table sits a deck of playing cards. In an ordinary deck of playing cards, two of the jacks have two eyes and two of the jacks have one eye. How many eyes are on the four Jack cards?

Tower Of Riddles (Restart)

11 years ago


Tower Of Riddles (Restart)

11 years ago

Reminder: Everyone has 24 Hours to Answer. Please PM me with your answers and NO PMing each other about the Riddles. IF anyone still wants to use the Riddle Me This Lifeline, let me know  :)

Tower Of Riddles (Restart)

11 years ago

Heh heh heh. 

Tower Of Riddles (Restart)

11 years ago

Dirty Rotten Bastard ;)

Tower Of Riddles (Restart)

11 years ago

A bit unsure on the main riddle but I'll try my best.

Tower Of Riddles (Restart)

11 years ago

Wait, when are the final rap battles???

Tower Of Riddles (Restart)

11 years ago

He skipped them, being the dirty penguin he is. Bth of you got the bonus though.

Tower Of Riddles (Restart)

11 years ago

know what? I'm more unsure of my answer in the second riddle.

Tower Of Riddles (Restart)

11 years ago

Wait, how come you're not on the map?

Tower Of Riddles (Restart)

11 years ago

Since BZ is a lazy -insert profanity here-. He just erased the players, and fixed the floor. We aren't even moved, so blob is all the way to the right. Ha!

Tower Of Riddles (Restart)

11 years ago

uh, i don't know? because I'm not part of the original cast?

Tower Of Riddles (Restart)

11 years ago

There are three people fighting for the one open spot in the game. Whoever does best on this rounds riddles will get a place on the map.

Updating the game now...

Tower Of Riddles (Restart)

11 years ago

 photo TOR15B_zps8a70381a.jpg

Prime Riddle:
ThePuzzleMaster is the first to answer: "The fancy man asked the waiter to take his coffee back and fetch a new cup, if the cup was new then there would be no coffee in it. When the fancy man took a sip he found coffee instead of nothing so he knew that he had been tricked."

The professor smiles to himself and straitens his top hat.


“I think the answer the man in the riddle knows his coffee is old because it's cold,” Romulus answers; “When the waiter served the coffee with the fly in it, it was (I assume) hot, but in the time it took the waiter to remove the fly it cooled down.”


Aman Seems to agree with both ThePuzzleMaster and Romulus: “The real answer is that either the coffee was cold/Luke warm, or that when he said Fresh Cup, he meant a cup with nothing inside of it, as in a fresh cup, recently made.

“Who would order an empty cup?” DarkAlvinX11 contests, “the answer to the first riddle is, at least I think it is, is because the coffee is cold or the cup has some sort of marking.”


“I'm gonna go with the coffee was cold,” Killa_Robot yells up from the roof of Bo’s House, hopeful to somehow get back in the Tower… “Either that or it tasted like fly still haha.”

“And I’ll guess,” said toni (wait, where did she just come from?), “the coffee isn't hot/warm.”


“Yeah, the coffee was cold,” Fireplay agrees, “or the waiter took the fly out of the cup and gave the man the cup back in front of him, the coffee was still ‘fresh’ but it was the same cup.”


“IDK,” admits Swiftstryker


“The answer is this:” Connection_ICA offers, abruptly bursting into the room dressed as a fireman, “The man must've done something to his coffee (I'm going to assume he made it sweeter) so he recognized the change after the coffee was brought back.”

“Oh, and the entire tower is doomed by the way,” she adds as an afterthought; “My whole department just roasted alive down there, trying to put it out. I’m the only survivor. So, what’s with the corny riddles anyway?”


“Yes! What she said!” Xt1000305 agrees quickly, “The man added sugar to the coffee before he noticed the fly. When the waiter returned; he could taste the sugar in the coffee.”


“True,” cool74 adds, “and the coffee is still the color of sugar and cream he added. Restaurants always give you black coffee and you add to your own preferences.”


silverfox and blob meanwhile, don’t even bother to answer, blob snoozing lazily near the warmth of the burning flames coming up from the fiery inferno on the level below…


BZ looks confused by some of the logic. “Why would anyone order an empty cup? Don’t they all come free with the tables anyway? And hot coffee is hot, it doesn’t cool off in the time it takes to return a cup to the kitchen and back…”

Then checking off his paperwork, BZ announces: “Xt1000305, cool74, and Connection_ICA are all correct. The man had put sugar in the coffee before discovering the fly swimming in it. When he took a sip of the returned cup, he immediately detected the sweetness.”

Bonus Riddle:
“As for the Bonus Riddle, it says here that there are 12 Jack Eyes in a normal deck. That’s four cards, each with a double-faced Jack (top and bottom of the card).”

DarkAlvinX11, Xt1000305, Swiftstryker, & Fireplay all got the Bonus Riddle correct. The rest of you…. Not so much.”


Connection_ICA Officially wins the spot vacated by BZ (congrats!) and can now officially play the game. She starts on the bottom-most occupied level and will have to be clever in order to survive the flames for very long.

Unfortunately, toni and Killa_Robot were unable to get on the board.

Meanwhile, cool74 is shown the stairs and advance one level upward, while Xt1000305 gets to go up two levels.

As Romulus did not advance, the fire does not yet spread up another level yet, so while no one else moves upward (even the Bonus Riddle Winners), they are all at least still in the game.

Tower Of Riddles (Restart)

11 years ago

Aww man :(

Tower Of Riddles (Restart)

11 years ago

New Riddles to follow shortly...

Tower Of Riddles (Restart)

11 years ago

Next Riddle:
The fancy diner meanwhile, claps his hands. “Well done; Good Show!,” he applauds those that answered the Riddles correctly.

“Now then,” he says. “I know that there are a few ‘Grammar Nazis’ in this tower and I have a quote that I’ve been working on; but I think the Grammar Nazis shall be much displeased with it, should I present it in its current state. Can any of you help me brush it up a little with proper punctuation?”

The fancy man then takes a card out from his cigar case and sets it on the table for all to see. The Card Reads (in all caps):


Can you bring order out of this academic chaos with the proper addition of some commas, periods, and perhaps even a question mark or two?


Bonus Riddle:
Not wanting to be left out of the Riddle making fun, the waiter asks: “There is an ancient invention still used in some parts of the world today that allows people to see through walls. What is it?”

Tower Of Riddles (Restart)

11 years ago

I protest the riddle because there are many ways to punctuate the sentence correctly but we have no idea which one your looking for.

Tower Of Riddles (Restart)

11 years ago

Riddle Hint:
Well, in that case, I'll give everyone a hint.

Use only 2 Commas, 3 Periods, and 1 Question Mark.


Tower Of Riddles (Restart)

11 years ago

Well now you made it too easy. T.T

Tower Of Riddles (Restart)

11 years ago

It's OK, I'm saving some genuinely Killer Riddles for the last two Riddle Levels. If anyone actually answers them correctly, then they are certifiable Geniuses in my book  ^-^

Tower Of Riddles (Restart)

11 years ago

Oh boy.

Tower Of Riddles (Restart)

11 years ago

I am opting to drop out of the tower and to be burned in the flickering flames below. Let someone take my place, okay? Busy with a lot of stuff these few days + school and my forum game

Tower Of Riddles (Restart)

11 years ago

No problem, I'll see if toni still wants officially in...  :)

Tower Of Riddles (Restart)

11 years ago


Tower Of Riddles (Restart)

11 years ago

 photo TOR16B_zps9cd4245c.jpg

Prime Riddle:
“Well, it's not really a riddle, is it?” Romulus points out, “It's more of a grammar Nazi's paradise. But the correct sentence is: ‘That that is, is that. That is not, is not. Is that it? That is it. ;)’”


“I say it’s: ‘That. That is, is that. That is not, is not. Is that it, that is it?’” says Swiftstryker.




Aman meanwhile, intones loudly: “THAT, THAT IS, IS THAT THAT IS NOT. IS NOT, IS THAT IT? THAT IS IT."


cool74 offers, “That, that is, is that? That. That. is that.”


“The first riddle's answer,” Connection_ICA replies, “is: ‘THAT. THAT IS, IS THAT THAT. IS NOT, IS NOT IS THAT IT. THAT IS IT?’”


“That that is is. That that is not, is not. Is that it? That is it.” corrects Xt1000305


Fireplay meanwhile, carefully articulates: “That that is, is. That that is not, is not. Is that it? That is it.”


“That’s it,” says the dining ghost with a smile, reciting what Fireplay just said: “That that is, is. That that is not, is not. Is that it? That is it.”

Then after a pause, he remarks, “though technically, I suppose one could also get away with the first answer too: ‘That that is, is that. That is not, is not. Is that it? That is it.’ depending on the inflection…


blob and DarkAlvinX11 meanwhile, have had enough with the riddle answering bullshit and decide to chance the flames – running down the stairs as fast as they can. They are immediately incinerated and almost never heard from again.

The PuzzleMaster on the other hand, is still playing, but it appears that a bug has flown down his throat and he’s too busy coughing and gagging to answer the Riddles this round.

Bonus Riddle:
As for the Bonus Riddle, the correct answer is ‘Windows’, but after some consideration, I’ll also accept ‘Glass,’ but a ‘Keyhole’ lets you look through a door, not a wall…


Romulus is shown the stairs and advance one level upward, while Fireplay gets to go up two levels.

As a new Level has been attained, the lowermost level is suddenly engulfed in flames, leaving Connection_ICA and Swiftstryker both a little hot under the collar…

Swiftstryker however, is Safety Bumped up and out of the flames because he successfully answered the Bonus Riddle. Ufortunately, Connection_ICA is not so lucky… 

In a surprise twist, toni picks up DarkAlvinX11’s spot, stating on the lowermost level.

Shortly after, the tall lawyer with the briefcase appears in a puff of sulfur.

“This is an elimination game,” he says, “so no more new players from here on out. We will have a winner in just a few short days so toni is the last add-in.”

He then writes some notes down on a legal pad and vanishes again in a cloying black cloud of soot…

Tower Of Riddles (Restart)

11 years ago

New Puzzles to follow shortly...

Tower Of Riddles (Restart)

11 years ago

Prime Riddle:
As Romulus heads up into new territory, the lights abruptly go out – and when they come back on, the ghostly waiter and fancy diner have both vanished.

The rooms are now empty again, with a cold draft swirling dust across the bare floor. As the dust shifts, everyone sees something carved into the stone floor.

Taking a moment to sweep the dust away, you see eight words and a simple riddle:


What do these eight words all have in common?


Bonus Riddle:
In Paris France, you cannot take a picture of a man with a wooden leg. Why not?


As always, you have 24-ish hours to submit your answers. Good luck  ^-^


Tower Of Riddles (Restart)

11 years ago

New Rule

Once Anyone Reaches Level 18, The lowermost Level Will Burn Every Round, regardless of the level spread between the Players (right now the Spread is 5 Levels).

That said, what level do you think Romulus is currently on? Level 16 or 17? You could read it as standing on Level 16, or being under the roof of Level 17.

Go ahead and vote on it and I'll go with the majority. Personally I think he's standing on his Level (16), but my vote only counts for a tie-breaker, so it's largely up to you guys  :)


Tower Of Riddles (Restart)

11 years ago

level 16 otherwise you would have to bump everybody up a level for "standing under it's roof."

Tower Of Riddles (Restart)

11 years ago

Level 16 ;)

Tower Of Riddles (Restart)

11 years ago

Level 16

Tower Of Riddles (Restart)

11 years ago

Level 16

Tower Of Riddles (Restart)

11 years ago



Tower Of Riddles (Restart)

11 years ago

Level 100.

Tower Of Riddles (Restart)

11 years ago

Ever helpful Aman   :p

But we have a majority now, so Level 16 it is  :)

Tower Of Riddles (Restart)

11 years ago

No one agreed with me? If he had reached level one hundred he'd of fallen off the tower.

Tower Of Riddles (Restart)

11 years ago

No we should have put him on level 1. And laugh as we watched him burn....

Tower Of Riddles (Restart)

11 years ago

That's true. Would of been glorious.

Tower Of Riddles (Restart)

11 years ago

You do realize that level 100 would have put him far out of the '5 Level Spread' and roast everyone else in the entire game right?

Tower Of Riddles (Restart)

11 years ago

He'd be dead as well though. The tower is only 30 floors max.

Tower Of Riddles (Restart)

11 years ago

Maybe there's a really tall antenna on the top of the tower...

Tower Of Riddles (Restart)

11 years ago

But, in the original tower, we were all standing under the roof of level one when we start...

Tower Of Riddles (Restart)

11 years ago

Maybe we came up through the basement  ;)

Tower Of Riddles (Restart)

11 years ago

 photo TOR17_zps45ec9c5d.jpg

Prime Riddle:
"The words CRABCAKE, STUPID, LAUGHING, HIJACK, CALMNESS, FIRST, CANOPY, and DEFT all have one thing in common – they're all words!" Says silverfox.


“The words have in common that they all are etched into the ground,” adds Aman.


“ALL THE WORDS... ehm, all the words are written in capitals,” Romulus says, then adds, “Oh wait, I think I know the answer: they all contain three consecutive letters.”


“Yes,” agrees Fireplay, “All of them have a series of three letters which can be found consecutively in the alphabet. I've seen this riddle before xD”


“Yep,” toni points out, “I just noticed it when i read HIJack, and thought that ‘hey, consecutive letters. cool. are there any others...’ then I saw caLMNess, then fiRST, then caNOPy... Checking the other words...BINGO! all of them have 3 consecutive letters in them.”


“What they said,” cool74 and Swiftstryker both say at the same time, answering the Riddle correctly.


ThePuzzleMaster, meanwhile doesn’t have an answer this round and BZ accidently puts Xt1000305’s answer in the Shredder (literally, I accidently deleted his answer PM, confusing it for DarkAlvinX11’s, while cleaning out my PM Inbox).

As such, Xt1000305 is in a sort of Limbo (stuck between levels), till he PM’s me to let me know if he got the Riddles Correct or not (I’ll take his word for it).


Bonus Riddle:
As for the Bonus Riddle, Everyone got it correct (you cannot take a picture with a wooden leg). It seems that it was way too easy, but good for a few laughs, haha!


The doors are opened and Romulus goes up a level, while Fireplay, cool74, toni, and Swiftstryker all go up two.

Aman stays where he’s at, and ThePuzzleMaster and Silverfox are (Safety Bumped) up out of the flames because they got the Bonus Riddle Correct.

Xt1000305 meanwhile, is stuck in the floor and just sort of hanging there with his legs dangling from the ceiling on the other side…  

Tower Of Riddles (Restart)

11 years ago

New Riddle to follow shortly...

Tower Of Riddles (Restart)

11 years ago

Prime Riddle:
The room suddenly shifts again and this time, you find yourselves in a little girl’s room, painted pink with little purple curtains draped over a little bed and more toys than a princess could ask for. Dollhouses complete with furniture and little tea sets for the dolls, rocking horses, every kind of toy animal you can think of and the most incredibly life like puppets.

(Hey, this sort of looks plagiarized… how odd…)

In the center of the room is a table on which sits a large pile of toy blocks.

“Have you come to play with me?” You hear a little voice ask, and turn around to see a young girl, about five years old, dressed up in a pretty green dress with a crown of flowers in her hair. Apparently the girl fancies herself a bit of a princess.

“I’ve been trying to finish this puzzle for ages.” She tells you, standing up on a stool to get a better view of the wooden blocks. “My Daddy gave them to me. He says only a real smart person can figure it out.” The child then turns to you and considers you for a moment. “You don’t look very smart.” She says sadly. “But I’ll let you play anyway.”

“If you take three wooden blocks and glue them squarely face to face,” she explains, “only two different configurations are possible. Like this:”

The little girl then holds up some blocks already glued together to illustrate (their orientation in relation to pitch, yaw, and roll doesn’t matter) –

 photo RiddleBlocks_zps08189bb2.gif

“See?” After showing everyone, she continues: “The problem is, that I need to know how many possible configurations there are if you glue four blocks together.”

Then handing Aman a sticky bottle of glue, she demands rather impertinently: “So, get gluing Mustache Man! And don’t get your silly stache stuck to my blocks, or use up all the glue!”


Bonus Riddle:
You also notice a nice painting of the Moon, hanging on one wall of the room. How many times does the moon spin around each time it orbits the Earth?


Additional Bonus:
TheRiddleMaster, Aman and silverfox each get to advance two Levels if they get the Prime Riddle (above) Correct. The reason being, is that I miss-scribed the last word of the previous Puzzle: ‘deft’ (not cleft), and it may have been the reason they didn’t answer correctly. Sorry guys, I’m obviously not as good at this as Briar_Rose, but there ya go…

Tower Of Riddles (Restart)

11 years ago

Thanks to urnam0 for catching that last error  ^-^

Tower Of Riddles (Restart)

11 years ago

Weekends Off...
Also, please not that I am not a big fan of Mandatory Weekend Posting, so following Friday's Riddle Posting (tomorrow's Update), everyone will have until Monday Morning (roughly 72 hours) to answer any Riddles posted on a Friday :)

Tower Of Riddles (Restart)

11 years ago

Primary Riddle Hint:
What do I mean by the pitch, yaw, and roll do not matter? Well look at the illustration showing the only two configurations of three blocks. Get it? If not, then this is the best I can offer:

If you lay the tall stack on its side to the right, that is not a new configuration, it is just the same configuration with a change in orientation (roll). If you flip the 'L' shaped configuration toward you on its side, it would be a change in pitch, but still the same configuration (not a new one). You could even spin it around 90 degrees like a top, changing the yaw, but still the same configuration...

Tower Of Riddles (Restart)

11 years ago

Thanks for the clarification. smiley

Tower Of Riddles (Restart)

11 years ago

 photo TOR17B_zps9fcd2539.jpg

Prime Riddle:
“I been playing a lot of tetris lately,” cool74 admits; “so this was simple; there are 4 possible configurations.”


"Yes, with 4 blocks, there are 4 possible configurations," agrees silverfox.


“I think there are five possible figures you can make with four blocks,” Romulus points out; “Like the five different tetris blocks :)”


"Yes; there are five possible configurations you can make by gluing four blocks squarely face to face," agrees the ThePuzzleMaster hopefully.


“It's three!” Aman yells, squirting out the last of the little girl’s glue and making a general mess of the entire table of blocks.

“Hey!” the little girl cries in alarm – “My glue! I told you not to use it all!” She then folds her arms, stomps a foot, and pouts her lip…


 “The answer is 7,” Fireplay says calmly.


“Yes, it's only 7,” toni agrees, “L-shape, inverse L-shape, T-shape, Z-shape, S-shape, Straight line, Square block”.


Xt1000305 has no answer this round.


The little girl meanwhile, considers toni’s explanation. She then smiles and announces with a squeal of delight, “I know the answer! I figured it out all by myself!”

With that, she takes the blocks and stacks out eight different configuration (shown below)…

 photo blocks_zps83d4cb26.jpg

“You guys were no help at all!” the little girl declares, walking over to the collection of life sized puppets to sit down amongst them. That is when you realize that she is not a child at all, but an unbelievable life like wooden doll…


Bonus Riddle:
cool74 and toni answered the Bonus Riddle correctly (but it won’t matter this round). The moon rotates once every orbit of the Earth, because the same side is always facing the earth making it slowly rotate but giving the appearance of the staying still. Try rotating a coin around another coin on a table and you will see the principle in effect…


As nobody got the Prime Riddle correctly this round, only Xt1000305 moves up a level, pulling himself out of the floor and onto Level 16 as a leftover from the last Round (he got the last puzzle correct)  =)

Tower Of Riddles (Restart)

11 years ago

Wow, I thought this was the weekend riddle... Curse my last day at work yesterday!

Tower Of Riddles (Restart)

11 years ago

Oh man, that sucks... I wondered why you answered my other PM, but didn't include the Riddle answer as well...

Tower Of Riddles (Restart)

11 years ago

I also thought so. Because , you guys know, Friday comes and goes faster in Asia than rest of you [except Australia].... >.<

Tower Of Riddles (Restart)

11 years ago

Hey, you do have a point there... (I'll be sure to point out the Friday Riddle by Name though, so there's no further confusion with it)  :)

Tower Of Riddles (Restart)

11 years ago

By next Friday, the Tower would have burned down already...

Tower Of Riddles (Restart)

11 years ago

True LOL!

Tower Of Riddles (Restart)

11 years ago

unless we can't answer the riddles....

Tower Of Riddles (Restart)

11 years ago

Wait, why didn't I burn?

Tower Of Riddles (Restart)

11 years ago

Everyone is safe when there's only 5 levels in play. Since Romulus didn't go up a level, the lower level (which would have become the sixth, stays the fifth).

Levels will begin burning every round however, once someone hits Level 18.

Tower Of Riddles (Restart)

11 years ago

gee, just 1 more figure....just 1.....

Tower Of Riddles (Restart)

11 years ago

Weekend Puzzle to follow shortly... (you got until Monday Morning (EST) to PM an answer to this one)...

Tower Of Riddles (Restart)

11 years ago

Prime Riddle:
One again, the room shifts and the little girl’s room vanishes, to be replaced by a large ballroom full of dancing ghosts. They twirl and tango, waltz, and rumba across the floor, looking like they are having the time of their lives (or un-lives, or whatever…).

A couple dances nearby and remains long enough for you to overhear them chatting to each other as they dance –

He: Now let’s see if I have this puzzle right – how many children does your sister have?

She: Joan has three children.

He: And how old are they?

She: The product of their ages is 36.

He: I need to know more than that!

She: The sum of their ages is the same as my street address, and you know what number I live at.

He: I still need more information!

She: The oldest one likes tennis.

He: Okay, now I know their ages!

The two dancers then twirl away, before you can hear the man give his answer.

However, there is enough information here for you to determine the ages of Joan’s three children for yourselves. What are the ages of Joan’s three children?


Extra Levels Extravaganza!!!
Anyone who answers the above riddle correctly will advance 2 Levels instead of one, because it is so challenging.

Likewise, if you answer the Bonus Riddle correctly (see below), you’ll also get to go up 1 Level.

If you answer BOTH correctly, then you only get to advance 2 Levels, but you’ll also get a Free Lifeline Prize to go with it!

Good Luck!

Bonus Riddle:
If you were to put a small coin into an empty bottle and then insert a cork into the neck, how could you remove the coin without taking out the cork or breaking the bottle?

Tower Of Riddles (Restart)

11 years ago

Answers not due till Monday Morning (EST) on this one  :)

Tower Of Riddles (Restart)

11 years ago

Wait a minute... You killed off my rat? You monster!!! surprise

Tower Of Riddles (Restart)

11 years ago

I've seen this before.Can I give hints BZ?

Tower Of Riddles (Restart)

11 years ago

@ blob - Of course not blob - no hints. Shame Shame...

@ Briar - Killer_Robot got hungry. Sorry.

Tower Of Riddles (Restart)

11 years ago

FYI for Asians/Australians...


This is Monday night for us. If Berk will post after 8AM EST, Australia will see it 12midnight [Monday crossing Tuesday], Asia 8-9PM Monday. :) not sure if this helps.......

Tower Of Riddles (Restart)

11 years ago

 photo TOR19_zps3e723078.jpg

Prime Riddle:
“Erm... I dunno the first one,” Swiftstryker says, “takes too much processing to do it in my head alone...”


“I'm gonna have to go with 36/3 which is 12. So each child is 12 years old.” Fireplay throws out; “Sadly I know this is likely not going to be the right answer.”


“Their ages are 2, 3 and 6,” Xt1000305 claims, “because that's the only three numbers that make 36 when multiplied together.”


“Okay, this is a complete bullshit idea,” Aman says, “but let’s see if i have it right. The numerology of the line: I live = 13; tennis= 9; 9 * 2*2= 36, the age can be 9, and 2 year old twins.”


“Hmm, I suck at maths :P” Romulus grins, but arrives at the same answer as Aman; “Okay, so Joan has three children, and one of them is the oldest, so his/her age has to be different from the other two children. There are seven possible combinations with a product of 36. I think the correct combination is: 9,2,2.”


“Mathematics is my favorite subject and I guess I'm quite good at it, being Asian and all.....” toni explains, “so based from the riddle/puzzle..”

He: Now let’s see if I have this puzzle right – how many children does your sister have?

She: Joan has three children.

He: And how old are they?

She: The product of their ages is 36. [so it could be:
A. 1, 6, 6 [sum=13]
B. 2, 3, 6 [sum=11]
C. 2, 2, 9 [sum=13]
D. 3, 3, 4 [sum=10]
E. 2, 18, 1 [sum=21]
F. 36, 1, 1 [realistically impossible, but mathematically possible. but I will not consider this, because are there any sisters/brothers with 35 year age gap??]

She: The sum of their ages is the same as my street address, and you know what number I live at. [I don't know where she lives/un-lives at, of course...]

He: I still need more information! [that means, the correct answers are the ones that share the same sum with the other option, thus eliminating options BDEF]

She: The oldest one likes tennis. [so we can remove option A [the oldest one for option A is a twin, so, no. and a nine-year old child may love tennis..]

He: Okay, now I know their ages! MY ANSWER: 2, 2 and 9


“That’s exactly what I was thinking,” cool74 agrees.


Unfortunately, silverfox and ThePuzzleMaster offer no Answer.


9,2,2 is the correct answer, for the reasoning toni so eloquently gave  ^-^


Bonus Riddle:
Everyone that answered it (Xt1000305, cool74, Swiftstryker, toni, Fireplay, Aman) got the Bonus Riddle correctly – ‘just push the cork into the bottle and shake out the coin’.


Once again, the doors open, allowing Aman, Romulus, toni, and cool74, to all go up two more levels.

Swiftstryker, Fireplay, and Xt1000305 each go up one level.

Unfortunately, as Level 19 has just been reached, the lowermost safety Level finally bursts into flames and both ThePuzzleMaster and silverfox are roasted.

Don’t dally now, because another lower Level will catch fire each Round…


As a special Lifeline Award for answering both Riddles correctly, Aman, toni, and cool74, each get a Fireproof Suit.

Fireproof Suit Lifeline: Keeps you from Burning on a Fiery Level, but only for a Maximum of 2 Rounds…

Tower Of Riddles (Restart)

11 years ago

Next Riddle To Follow Shortly...

(You might also notice that Swiftstriker has Cheated Like A Bastard. He should be burning in the flames right now, but somehow managed to sneak up an extra level...)

Tower Of Riddles (Restart)

11 years ago

Prime Riddle:
Yet again, the scene before your eyes changes in this accused tower of ghostly riddles!

This time, the room becomes the dusty office of some private investigator; lit by a single bulb hanging from a wire over a dilapidated-looking desk.

A Private Dick sits in a chair with his gumshoes kicked up on the desk, regarding a letter with a magnifying glass. Apparently, the letter was handed to him by an anxious young woman in a fancy fur coat and jewels standing nearby.

“What does it mean?” the woman asks nervously, “How much more do they want? I’ve already paid them the ransom they asked for earlier!”

“It says here that they want more money,” the Private Dick replies – “though I’m not sure how much they want or if they’ll even return your precious poodle once they get it…”

“Oh we must try!” the woman cries, “I’ll pay anything to get my little Foofoo back!”


Looking at the letter, you see that it reads:

 photo Letter_zps397dbac4.jpg

Can you decipher the message? Each letter of the message represents a digit – zero through nine. Some of the letters are used more than once. How much money do the Dog-Nappers want?


Bonus Riddle:
A traffic cop was stopped at a red light. Professor Bumble, who had his mind on a lecture he was about to give, drove his car right by him and through the light without stopping. The cop witnessed the entire scene but made no attempt to stop him. Why not?

Tower Of Riddles (Restart)

11 years ago

The Tower of Riddles is coming down to the wire!

Tower Of Riddles (Restart)

11 years ago

How the flying hell did I get that right?

Tower Of Riddles (Restart)

11 years ago

Seriously, you used numerology for that?

Tower Of Riddles (Restart)

11 years ago

I was bullshitting. I had no idea for the answer, so I assumed it was numerology. I have been replaying secret of daphne recently, so the numerology puzzle was on my mind.

Tower Of Riddles (Restart)

11 years ago

I haven't even gone that far in The Secret of Daphne....

Tower Of Riddles (Restart)

11 years ago

Its an unneeded puzzle, just for some secret stuff. Won't change wheter you win or not.

Tower Of Riddles (Restart)

11 years ago

For the main riddle, wouldn't the answer be different depending on what you think each letter is? 

Or maybe we get a hint on how to tell what letters mean what numbers?

Tower Of Riddles (Restart)

11 years ago

Awww, phooey! frown

Tower Of Riddles (Restart)

11 years ago

This riddle is missing a detial that makes it impossible to slove unless you already know the answer.

Tower Of Riddles (Restart)

11 years ago

Thus, we're screwed unless Berka gives us the detail.

Tower Of Riddles (Restart)

11 years ago

Since my name allows me to consume the fire I guess you all burn alive while i die from the collapse of the tower itself.

Tower Of Riddles (Restart)

11 years ago

Nyaha!  (No.)

Nyu sho mean~! (You're so mean for doing that Fire!  >:( )

Tower Of Riddles (Restart)

11 years ago

Sorry, no hints on the Level 19 Puzzle (Maybe a hint on Level 20 though, but no promises).

You have all you need to solve the number problem. It's just simple addition. Plug some numbers in and if they don't work change them and try again.

Tower Of Riddles (Restart)

11 years ago

is there more than one solution? i sent you my answer already btw :p

Tower Of Riddles (Restart)

11 years ago

Yep, only 1 solution will work.

Tower Of Riddles (Restart)

11 years ago

knew it. thanks, Berk.

Tower Of Riddles (Restart)

11 years ago


Each letter represents one number, and one number only.  Which means two letters cannot equal a single letter.

For example:

A = 1

So A+A=2

but x =/= 1 because A is already assigned to 1.

Tower Of Riddles (Restart)

11 years ago


Tower Of Riddles (Restart)

11 years ago

This is true. Pick a Letter, choose a number for it to represent and do the math. Only one combination will work through the whole problem.

Now, no more hints please  ;)

Tower Of Riddles (Restart)

11 years ago

Don't need any more.

Just too lazy now...

Tower Of Riddles (Restart)

11 years ago

 photo TOR20_zpsbe938e3d.jpg

Prime Riddle:
“Seriously, I really hate math!” Romulus says; “But I think the solution to the riddle is:

O=0 M=1 Y=2 E=5 N=6 D=7 R=8 S=9 ;)”

Then after a moment of everyone trying to figure out what he means, he adds “Woops, forgot to mention the amount of money the kidnappers ask is 10652 dollars/euro's/yen/something someone buys things with…”


“Yeah, 10652, but to get that you needed the information d+E=12,” cool74 points out.


“Yes, my answer for the first riddle is: 9567 + 1085 = 10652,” toni agrees, “but I prefer not to explain this because my solution is long and I used trial and error (this is harder than the previous main puzzle). :p”


Swiftstryker, Fireplay, Xt1000305, and Aman had no answers to give.


Bonus Riddle:
Fireplay, cool74, Swiftstryker, and toni got it correctly, while Romulus, Xt1000305, and Aman gave no answer.


The doors open and Romulus, cool74, and toni all advance 1 Level.

The flames come up and consume Two More Levels!

Fireplay, Swiftstryker, and toni, all get bumped out of the flames by having answered the Bonus Riddle correctly.

Xt1000305 meanwhile, is immoliated! While Aman stays safe in his Fire Suit for the Round (but he’s way down there and needs to answer a Bonus Riddle to get out!).


And… Romulus has reached the top of the tower, where the room holds a large chest! All he has to do to Save The Princess is answer just one Riddle Correctly!

Everyone else, just hope he gets it wrong and stay out of the flames long enough to join him…


At this point, Ghost BZ steps forward and says (reading a clipboard) “For being the only one on this Level to have actually answered the Riddle correctly (rather than a free flame bump) – cool74 gets this…”

BZ then hands cool74:
Hitch a Ride Lifeline: The player can hitch a ride with anyone passing by him and go with that player to whatever Level he lands on.

Tower Of Riddles (Restart)

11 years ago

Oops, totally forgot about this. Oh well, so I burn up into a crisp and the crisp which is me does not continue, because I/it is now a crisp.

Tower Of Riddles (Restart)

11 years ago

Yeah, unfortunately.

Tower Of Riddles (Restart)

11 years ago

New (and possibly last) Riddle to follow shortly...

Tower Of Riddles (Restart)

11 years ago

Last Riddle Rule:

The Level 20 Riddle is a Secret One, given Via PM. It is the Same Riddle Every Round and you have as many chances to answer it as it takes before the flames get you or someone else answers it first.

That means, that everyone below Level 20 will get the Posted Riddles, while those on Level 20 are trying to answer the one via PM. Do not reveal the Secret Level 20 Riddle. It will only be revealed to those on Level 20 and when it is finally answered.

Tower Of Riddles (Restart)

11 years ago

Primary Puzzle:
For those not on Level 20:

This time, the scene changes to a hunter’s trophy room, with a menagerie of stuffed animals mounted on the walls. Mounted over the fireplace is a large painting of an old gentleman with a massive shotgun over one shoulder. A placard under the painting reads:

“Twice four and twenty blackbirds were sitting in the rain;
I shot and killed a seventh part, how many did remain?”

Can you answer the question propounded here by Sir Blunder Buss?


Bonus Riddle:
What runs fore to aft on one side of a ship, and aft to fore on the other side? (Besides a drunken sailor.)

Tower Of Riddles (Restart)

11 years ago

 photo TOR20E_zpsc1a9b9f1.jpg

Prime Riddle:
“Wood?” Aman throws out there…

“Wood?!?” BZ asked back in awe, “what kind of an answer is ‘Wood’?”

“Or do you mean ‘Wood’ is your answer for the Bonus Riddle?”

“Yes.” Aman replied, confusing the ghost penguin even more…


“Twice fourth and twenty? 28.” Swiftstryker figured aloud, “One seventh? 4. 28 - 4 = 24. Twenty four blackbirds remain. This guy needs better shotgun rain.”


“Only one would remain being the first one you shot and killed because the rest would fly away from the sound of the gunshot,” cool74 pointed out.


“4 were killed,” Fireplay answers, “I guess the rest ran off like cool said.”

“So your answer is 4 then?” BZ asked, but Fireplay remained silent on the matter…


“Darn it, i choose FOUR! Well,” toni declares; “the dead bodies REMAIN anyway! and "remains" is another term for dead bodies... not that it helps or what. there you go! lol.”


BZ then consults his paperwork. “Let’s see, Aman is incorrect. The answer is not wood. Swiftstriker’s math is correct but his answer is wrong. Cool74’s answer is wrong. Toni’s answer is correct and Fireplay’s answer is also correct if that is indeed his answer…

There were 28 blackbirds. 4 were shot and killed (falling to the ground). The rest flew off at the sound of the blast. The 4 dead birds were all that remained.


Bonus Riddle:
The Ship’s Name runs fore to aft on one side of the ship and aft to fore on the other.

Swiftstryker, Fireplay, cool74, and toni all got it right.


The doors open and Fireplay and toni both go up 2 Levels.

Swiftstryker and cool74 are safety bumped up out of the flames

Aman meanwhile, is way down there, hanging out in his Fire Suit for the last round. If he doesn’t get out soon though, he’s going to end up a charcoal briquette…


But wait! What about Romulus and the Secret Riddle on Level 20? …

Tower Of Riddles (Restart)

11 years ago

Romulus, up on the 20th Level has answered the Secret Riddle Correctly and WON THE GAME!!!

The large chest opens and out pops Lucky Akki the Leprechaun in a Mushroom Suit…

 photo Mario_zps8f95cee6.jpg

“Yeah, I know…” Lucki Akki bows his head in shame, “but that Evil Briar_Rose made me do it.”

He then waves a gold key and a rainbow bridge appears out of the window of the 20th floor, allowing Romulus to slide down and escape the burning tower.

As Romulus makes his exit, toni and Fireplay arrive just in time to see him leaving. They rush over and jump on the slide too.

The tower then shakes violently and collapses in a great heap. Amazingly, Swifstriker and cool74 survive the plunge and walk out of the pile to go join the others for tacos.

Aman and ghost BZ meanwhile, were down on Level 16, arguing about the nature of ‘Wood’ running fore and aft and aft and fore on a ship.

When the tower collapses, it squashes Aman, then sizzles him in his Fire Suit, makes his mustache wither, and gives him tuberculosis.

As he turns into a ghost, he goes over to ghost BZ and gives him a swift kick in the shin. As full blown slap-fight then ensues, until Lucky Akki the Leprechaun arrives to change BZ back from his ghost state after the end of the game.

As he hits BZ with the de-ghosting ray, Aman sneaks into it as well and both BZ and Aman are returned to normal.

“Tacos?” Aman asks BZ.

“Sure, why note,” BZ smiles.


Tower Of Riddles (Restart)

11 years ago

Thanks for playing everyone! And thanks to Brair_rose and BZ for running the game!

Tower Of Riddles (Restart)

11 years ago

For anyone interested, here’s the final Riddle that Romulus (the Genius) solved in only 1 day:


Level 20 Secret Riddle:

A large gilded chest (large enough to hold a kidnapped princess) is all that you find at the top of the cursed tower of riddles!

Inscribed on the face of the chest is the following:


The Square Root of Being:
I N E I T K R A H T E M I H 4 !

What is the Square Root of Being?

No other clues as to its meaning are present. It appears that your final Riddle will be the hardest yet!

Tower Of Riddles (Restart)

11 years ago

Damn, this is hard. This is not really about math, right? i'm trying to read it out loud but I can't hear a word or a possible answer.

what's the answer? :D

Tower Of Riddles (Restart)

11 years ago

I'll PM ya  =)

Tower Of Riddles (Restart)

11 years ago

Thoughts? Comments? Questions?

Tower Of Riddles (Restart)

11 years ago

4 were killed was my answer, sorry for the confusion BZ. Still the game was quite fun and I hope we do it again some time later this year.

Tower Of Riddles (Restart)

11 years ago

What was the answer? 

Tower Of Riddles (Restart)

11 years ago

As some folks are still trying to figure it out, I'll PM it to you :)

Tower Of Riddles (Restart)

11 years ago

This game was really fun to play and I'm glad Briar came up with the idea (Kudos to her for it!)  ^-^

On the other hand, it was really hard to run. The overhead in time each day was like two solid hours (sorting answers, creating a write-up, updating a graphic and uploading it to photobucket, and then posting a new Riddle). I like the idea, but I won't be running one of these again anytime soon.  :p

Thankfully though, there are other easier games to run on forums  ;)

Tower Of Riddles (Restart)

11 years ago

So, what I'm saying is I really enjoyed playing it, and was happy to pick it up and run it (which was fun too) - but running it was also a bear.  :)

Tower Of Riddles (Restart)

11 years ago

One final question though.

Why Tacos?

Tower Of Riddles (Restart)

11 years ago

I was wondering that too. I guess you'll just have to go ask Bo  ;)

Tower Of Riddles (Restart)

11 years ago

And why note? :P

Tower Of Riddles (Restart)

11 years ago


Tower Of Riddles (Restart)

11 years ago

Yeah, why note? I mean, thats what you said to me. I'm just confused, since I wasn't talking about notes.

Tower Of Riddles (Restart)

11 years ago

Ahah! I sea it now...

Tower Of Riddles (Restart)

11 years ago

We'll it's good to now that you can see the flag in your Acton.

Tower Of Riddles (Restart)

11 years ago

So, did you solve the last riddle yet?

Tower Of Riddles (Restart)

11 years ago


Tower Of Riddles (Restart)

11 years ago


Tower Of Riddles (Restart)

11 years ago

Quite. I have no clue, to be honest.

Tower Of Riddles (Restart)

11 years ago

Congratulations to urnam0 for also solving the Riddle!   ^-^

Tower Of Riddles (Restart)

11 years ago

It feels good to be a genius!