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I'm Back!!! Kind of

8 years ago

Wow it has been a while guys and gals. To be honest this site has kind of been put on the back burner for a while, I have been pretty busy and am now the DM of my group so that story kind of takes up most of my time... I will most likely pop in every once and awhile but I doubt any stories or long RPG's will involve me. Sooo yeah this is pretty much just a hello. Also if you read this, I'm surprised you stayed with me to the end, that's nice of you. 

I'm Back!!! Kind of

8 years ago

Welcome back

I'm Back!!! Kind of

8 years ago


I'm Back!!! Kind of

8 years ago

Welcome back! I kind of remember you xD

I'm Back!!! Kind of

8 years ago

Welcome back to CYStia, Hugo23!

I'm Back!!! Kind of

8 years ago
Well, long RPGs won't be a problem anymore haha!

I'm Back!!! Kind of

8 years ago

True, now I am the god of my own and my friends must dance to my malicious music. MWHAHAHAHA!!!

I'm Back!!! Kind of

8 years ago (sorry, no clicky)

I'm Back!!! Kind of

8 years ago

This is F**king great dude.

I'm Back!!! Kind of

8 years ago
"We can't all be quarterbacks of the hockey team." XD