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5 years ago

Hello everyone it's a pleasure, I'm quite new here and dabble in writing here and there. I'm curious if It's allowed to post stories that aren't choose your own, just so that my account has something until I figure out how to write this style of story. Or if it's more of an only post if it has choices?


5 years ago
The Creative Corner section of the forum is for sharing short stories and poems etc, or you can post excerpts from larger projects in the Writer's Workshop to ask for feedback. Storygames shouldn't be published through the site unless they're complete, and they need to be branching stories.


5 years ago

Okay thank you, I have a completed story thats rather long but seeing as it isn't choose your own, I'll refrain. :)


5 years ago

If you have just a story, there's a million places to put it. This includes thousands of online forums (including this one), social media websites, and perhaps publishing your story and selling it to a library. Just don't put it in storygames if it's not a storygame.


5 years ago

That's a fair point, but I have no idea where to start with actually getting to that point when it comes to publishing for libraries or making e books, but this site seems like a great place to hone a craft, so I'd like to see if I'm any good at actually writing. Since I've been writing for a long time, but never for people to read.


5 years ago
The typical thing for people still developing their writing style is to loathe anything they've written two weeks after finishing it, but there's nothing stopping you from adapting an existing story to have choices.

Or what some people do is post a longish story in a thread bit by bit, although participation levels from readers can vary a lot. Most people active on the forum are focused on their own projects in between working and classes etc, and so reading just to read is a luxury not everyone has.


5 years ago

Oh my goodness you're a genius, to get the feeling of making a choose your own adventure, I could turn some of the stuff I've written into it, so then I'm saving time for writing, and actually figuring out how all these diverging paths work! Thanks a lot.


5 years ago
Yeah, one method some people do use with success is just to write out an entire path that's a story in its own right, then go back through it and see where the obvious branching points would be. Places where the character could change the path of events by just doing something differently.

You just have to keep aware of where the pausing points to put the page breaks are at as you're writing, since typically you don't want to go over 1000 words per page or so.


5 years ago

Alright that's really good info thanks for all the help!