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New here from blogging CYOA on Medium

9 months ago
Hi there, I regularly post choose your own adventure collaborative stories on, a blogging site. But it was very hard to get views, especially with recent site changes (long story). Medium is mostly nonfiction articles, so it's difficult to get reads for fiction, especially serial fiction, including CYOA. A friend recently told me that when she sees choose your own adventures from me, she skips them...She's only interested in reading nonfiction articles from me right now. Too bad I've written nothing but fiction since August, lol.

Alas. I felt super discouraged by what my friend said, though I appreciate her honesty. So I decided to start posting at a site where CYOA is actually embraced rather than ignored. There are a couple of stories from there I'd like to post here (I've asked my co-authors for permission to post their chapters here with credit at the top of the pages. One has responded with yes. The other I'm still waiting to hear back from.) One story is already complete! Do you have a recommended posting schedule for this complete story? Maybe posting once a day or a few times a week? Thank you! :)

New here from blogging CYOA on Medium

9 months ago
Welcome! There's been people who do other forms of writing but use CYS as an outlet for their fiction for sure. What genre do you write in?

Storygames should be complete and as polished as possible before being made public, and I usually recommend newbies browse through some of the other stories on the site just to get an idea of reader expectation as far as quality, formatting etc as well as some of the possibilities of the editor. The Writing Workshop can be helpful for early advice and feedback too.

Have fun though and enjoy the site!

New here from blogging CYOA on Medium

9 months ago
Thanks so much for the warm welcome! I love writing fantasy (usually high fantasy), LGBTQ+ romance, mystery, and thrillers. Lately, I've gotten into steampunk fiction, and am enjoying it a lot!

New here from blogging CYOA on Medium

9 months ago

Have you read The Difference Engine by William Gibson and Bruce Sterling? I feel like everyone who is into steampunk should be forced to read it 

New here from blogging CYOA on Medium

9 months ago
Not yet but thank you for the rec! :D Will put on my to-read list.

New here from blogging CYOA on Medium

9 months ago
I should mention too that if you're on the PC, you can enable dark mode and some other features from your profile by getting the extension from Brad. (

I'll just point that out to @Bexly and @Driftwood too while I'm here.

New here from blogging CYOA on Medium

9 months ago
Nice! Thanks for the tip. :)

New here from blogging CYOA on Medium

9 months ago
Welcome to the site, I do hope you enjoy your time here.

Yes, most readers here will prefer to read a completed story all at one time. It can be quite a challenge to find dedicated readers who want serial works unless you're an accomplished, published author with a large following from original works already, from what I've seen.

Good luck.

New here from blogging CYOA on Medium

9 months ago
Thanks, and that makes sense! I'll keep my in-progress story in drafts until it's complete! I'll publish my already-completed story.

New here from blogging CYOA on Medium

8 months ago
I hear you, Sieran!! 😅