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Can I post games on forums?

11 years ago

I made a game called "Ideas for my next story" so people could read previews and tell me what they thought, I've had a lot of comments telling me I should post it on forums instead of games, but I don't know how or if it's even possible.

Can I post games on forums?

11 years ago

How you could do it is basically: 

1)Click the Writing Workshop forum thread. 

2) make a new topic

3) post the link of your game in the thread.

As long as your gage has sneak peeks allowed, you wouldn't need to publish them?. ^_^

Can I post games on forums?

11 years ago

Thanks ^_^

Can I post games on forums?

11 years ago

Dang... Is it too late to derail this thread?  ;)

Can I post games on forums?

11 years ago

Yes... Or maybe no. It all depends on how willing you are :)

Can I post games on forums?

11 years ago

Well, I wasn't going to, but then you showed up...  ;)

Can I post games on forums?

11 years ago

Now, now BerkaZerka. Be nice to the thread...


Can I post games on forums?

11 years ago

It's OK thread. I won't hurt you. Just climb into this rucksack for safe keeping...

Can I post games on forums?

11 years ago

*Thread climbs into a rucksack * (But it's not BZ's rucksack, it's mine!)

Can I post games on forums?

11 years ago

Oohh! Thread poacher!

Can I post games on forums?

11 years ago

You started it you penguiny fiend from some zoo!

Can I post games on forums?

11 years ago

I think you're just some panda that got spray-painted all white...

Can I post games on forums?

11 years ago

*gets up from strangling the thread's original subject*

I don't think he'll be getting up for quite a few hours... Maybe he's dead?

Can I post games on forums?

11 years ago

How dare you hurt the innocent little thread! 

Can I post games on forums?

11 years ago

Ahem... The thread is in XT's rucksack, not mine...

Oh no! There it goes into the river! You're a monster XT!

Can I post games on forums?

11 years ago

*dives into the river

Ha! I got it! 

*realizes mustache is soaked. 


Can I post games on forums?

11 years ago

*pulls water of your mustache and lets it fall back into the river*

There are you happy now? 

And BZ you tried to hurt it first

Can I post games on forums?

11 years ago

how exactly did you "pull" water from his stache" that sounds uber difficult

Can I post games on forums?

11 years ago

Well, I do recall that she had a large suction cup attached to an iron lung...

Can I post games on forums?

11 years ago

My trademark power. Being able to control water lol

Can I post games on forums?

11 years ago

Fireplay has entered the thread.

Fireplay has set fire to everything including Aman's mustache. Muhahaha!

Can I post games on forums?

11 years ago

Oh no!!! Fireplay your going to face the wrath of Aman and it won't be fun

Can I post games on forums?

11 years ago

Also, I would never harm a poor little defenseless thread.

(That's XT's job).

Can I post games on forums?

11 years ago

Well dang... The thread all burnt down....