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3 Yrs/A Newb's Guide

6 years ago
Commended by BerkaZerka on 1/21/2019 10:54:48 AM
It’s been three years since I made this account. Huzzah. Of course, I knew about the site a little before then and spent most of that time reading End Master’s storygames; however, finding the true path in Through Time required an account. So, I made one. Within a week, I published my first storygame. It was utter crud and not just any old crud. No, it was crud that came from a man with dysentery, regurgitated by a dog, then baked in the sun for a solid week. Now, I have two featured storygames and a contest winner too. What happened? I’ve been thinking about this for a while. I’m essentially the random newb who’s a terrible writer and now I’m… better. I lived through the Seth and Kiel era and now thrive in the End Master and Mizal era. What’d I do to not be one of the feral plebs? Well, that’s sorta the point of all this. 1. I listened to my criticism. For my first storygame (The Carnival, Ginny, and I), I got a lot of feedback. A little bit of it was good. The rest roasted it. Briat Rose was particularly hilarious. Instead of getting my fee-fees hurt, I took the reviews at face value. I tried to amend the most glaring mistakes of the storygames. While I established my reputation as a stupid newb, I also showed that I was at least willing to improve. 2. I tried to improve. If you first don’t succeed try (and try and try) again. Then, I attempted to not make the same mistakes for my next storygame. I didn’t, but more errors in my writing came around. For example, some users thought I might be an ELL since my writing was formal, super formal. I don’t think I used any contraction for that story. I’m not joking. Thus, I took that criticism to heart and began my slow, arduous journey of learning how to write as if I was a human. (Note, I am a human.) 3. I didn’t let failure discourage me. A year after I joined the site, there was only one storygame that I made that didn’t suck (Solstice) out of four attempts. I kept on trying anyway. When a writing contest came around, I joined. You know what happened? I won. Hot diggity! Now, I have a shiny golden trophy. Now… I pretty much had no success over the next year and a quarter. That didn’t matter. I kept on trying to improve and kept on entering contest like some autistic contest junkie. Last year, I entered End Master’s contest. You know what happened? I lost, BUT I got a featured storygame. Frick yeah! 4. I found my motivation. I use a drive for achieving glory (featured storygame) and healthy competition (contest and personal rivalries) to help me with this. An unmotivated writer isn’t much of a writer. For fiction alone (not counting all the stuff I did irl for life and college) I put in over a quarter million words in 2018. Looking back on it, it honestly wasn’t that hard. When I’m motivated, I write. Now, I recently published my two highest rated storygames ever and got yet another featured storygame. Since I have the motivation, I’m in the process of writing a massive fantasy epic. Why not? But, writing isn’t the only thing that happened to me during this time. There’s also this thing called the forums. We interact on it. I apparently almost posted a thousand times. A few of you are pushing ten thousand, so I don’t have much room to boast. 5. I shrug off what should be shrugged off. When somebody said “mean” things or “wasn’t nice to me”, I didn’t throw a fit. It’s something that’s always been happening. So many newbs run away with their tails between their legs… Just get some thick skin. It served me just fine. 6. I eventually learned to not be retarded. Well… maybe I’m still learning this one. It depends on who you ask. Still, I spent two years on the site and never told what my gender is. (I’ll give you a hint, it sounds like “mail”.) Why? I’m not sure exactly. I sorta thought it was funny. After a while, I just did it. In hindsight, it was a horrible decision. It’s what retarded people and/or nerbs do. We make bad choices. If you do (like me) fix them when you realize your mistake. Now, I’m known as the poor hickabilly dude from the sticks of Missouri. That’s a step up from “the acrogenous user who’s probably a young teen girl”. Count your blessings, no matter what form they take. 7. Acknowledge the admins’ awesomeness. Picking a fight with our glorious leaders is akin to attacking a tank with a potato gun. It’s dumb, really dumb. It’s the one thing I’ve probably been okay at (hence why I’m not dead). Praise End Master. Praise Mizal. Praise Berka Zerka. Praise Killa Robot. (Yeah, he’s an admin too.) However, if you want to fight with out admins, do so publicly. It’s entertaining to watch a public stoning. So, that’s all. If you skimmed over this, take away at least these three things. First, don’t be retarded. Second, always try to improve. Third, praise End Master.

3 Yrs/A Newb's Guide

6 years ago
Hey, I think this would actually make a decent article! :)

3 Yrs/A Newb's Guide

6 years ago

I second the idea to publish this as an article. I don't think not telling people your gender is a bad choice though... It's the internet and most females are actually men with adult acne. 

3 Yrs/A Newb's Guide

6 years ago
People thinking I was some 14 yo girl got quite annoying. It's not really, "Hello. I'm new to the site. I'm a 16 year old girl from Kansas City, Missouri!" It's more "Oh, you're wondering if I'm a dude or a chick? Yeah, I'm a [whatever]."

3 Yrs/A Newb's Guide

6 years ago

Ok that makes more sense. I just tend to think of retarded behavior as spamming, creating alts, and not proofreading before posting. Of course there's plenty more to add to that list, but that's what comes to mind for an online forum. 

3 Yrs/A Newb's Guide

6 years ago
Mizal adressed that quite well in her article. I didn't see much point in repeating her topics.

3 Yrs/A Newb's Guide

6 years ago
I'm still under the impression you're a 30-something year old man creepily role-playing very well as a 14 year old girl.

3 Yrs/A Newb's Guide

6 years ago
Sorry to disappoint.

3 Yrs/A Newb's Guide

6 years ago

... He's a 40-something yer old man, creepily role-playing as a 14 year old girl. cheeky

3 Yrs/A Newb's Guide

6 years ago
Ah WIBN, still our most acrogenous user.

Some useful advice in here, it would be a good basis for another one of those articles that all the people who need it the most never read.

Point 7 will probably be taken too seriously by someone or used as evidence of OPPRESSION, but that would just go to show why lurking and being able to pick up on tone is important.

3 Yrs/A Newb's Guide

6 years ago
It is also a test if they listened to point #6. Don't be retarded. If they complain, they didn't pay attention to point #6, so they're retarded. Also, I fixed quite a few errors like that for the article submission. That's what I get for writing it at 2 in the morning.

3 Yrs/A Newb's Guide

6 years ago

"Now… I pretty much had no success over the next year and a quarter."

No quarter.

3 Yrs/A Newb's Guide

6 years ago
Yep, ha ha.

3 Yrs/A Newb's Guide

6 years ago

I've already sent the link to someone.  Excellent work, senpai.  yes

3 Yrs/A Newb's Guide

6 years ago

Truely, you are an inspiration to newbs everywhere! heart

... But you forgot the most important rule of all.


I didn't rape my cat.