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How long will CYS stay up for anyway?

one year ago

CYS has been up for something like 20 to 21 years now, and it doesn't seem to have a sudden stopping point in it's timeline. How long do you think that CYS will be alive for? Until the founders die? Do you think it's gonna stay up even after cysid gets half of the human population to duel him? Will it keep going even after the internet ceases to exist? 

Whatever, just write down what you think about this. I still bet 5 dollars (which will carried along my bloodline and will obviously be more in the future) that it'll end somewhere around 2082.  

How long will CYS stay up for anyway?

one year ago
Ain't no way it's lasting until 2082.

2081, however, now that's an estimate I can get behind. Despite not being in a country that uses dollars, I'll take the bet.

How long will CYS stay up for anyway?

one year ago

It will end once I understand calculus. In that moment of pure clarity within my mind, the forces holding the universe together will stop and all of the stars of the universe will go out simultaneously. Everyone on Earth will look to the sky in complete awe as every higher being ever conceived comes down from the heavens holding hands and singing in complete harmony. At that moment, when everyone but me is distracted by the events going on outside, my father will walk through the door with the milk. All of this will happen within that second of clarity, before the universe goes dark and devoid of any light or life. Only then will CYS end.

How long will CYS stay up for anyway?

one year ago
I will be posting on this site when I'm in hospice care.

How long will CYS stay up for anyway?

one year ago

CYS will never end.  EndMaster is Eternal and he will simply Necro all the good writers to contribute to the site.