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Olympics 2024!!

2 months ago
Forgot the Olympics were happening soon, so was happy to see I didn't miss it!! I'm more of a winter games kind of person, but I am looking forward to the opening ceremony this year. They're doing a new thing and holding the ceremonies outside of the main field, and I believe most of the parade is taking place along the Seine, so sure to see some really #dramatic footage. However, apparently, the swimming events are ALSO taking place in the river which is... questionable.

Anybody have anything they care about in particular? Or any predictions (beyond somebody getting some sort of river parasite)?

Personally, am ready to see the gymnastics, weightlifting, and discus/javelin throwing events.

Olympics 2024!!

2 months ago

I quite like watching the weightlifiting, the boxing can be okay too. Outside of that im really not much of a fan of the olympics, ill typically just turn it on for 20 seconds, and watch for 20 seconds and go back to what i was doing before for another 30 minutes, rinse and repeat. Id rather just watch highlights on youtube of the best moments. 

Olympics 2024!!

2 months ago
I wouldn't worry too much about river parasites. The rats will eat swimmers before that becomes a problem.

Olympics 2024!!

2 months ago
I haven't watched them since they allowed professional athletes in

Olympics 2024!!

2 months ago

I'm rooting for Iran, China, North Korea and Hamas this year, wbu guys 

Olympics 2024!!

2 months ago
If Nathan Chen isn't skating, I'm not watching.

Olympics 2024!!

2 months ago

I can't wait to watch all these sweaty gamers play mario kart professionally.

Olympics 2024!!

2 months ago
I've mostly just been wondering if they're going to make it through without France's favorite national passtime of rioting.

Although a lot of other countries have been getting in on that lately too, maybe it should just be a new sport. I did see some stuff about trains being sabotaged though.

Olympics 2024!!

2 months ago

Israel can finally bring home some gold medals, in that case. Provided, of course, that they try to make it illegal for the Israeli delegation to rape the other teams

Olympics 2024!!

2 months ago
Watching the protests in Iran the last couple years and the subsequent jackbooted crackdowns, one of the big takeaways for me was "damn these Iranians sure do love gay raping their prisoners".

With all the recent hostility, it's a little bit heartwarming I guess that Israel can find this kind of common ground with them in a shared passion.

Olympics 2024!!

2 months ago

The world is lucky i got bills to pay, cause if i was in the olympics id be taking it all home - watch out michael phelps. 

Olympics 2024!!

2 months ago
Like, behind his back, after he gets his 24th gold medal? I’m interested in hearing more about your qualifications.

Olympics 2024!!

2 months ago

Well for 1 ive got a kiler backstroke, i went swimming with my elementary class from 8 years old to 9 years old, i think that says enough about my qualifications to join the most elite UK swim team. 2. pure grit, determination and power of friendship. 3. BUILT.  DIFFERENT. Need i say more? I think not. As long as ive got a few minutes before the race starts to inflate my armbands i know gold is mine. 

Olympics 2024!!

2 months ago
I've never heard of a kiler backstroke... did you learn that in your elementary swim class as some sort of new British technique? Aside from that, well, maybe you have a chance after all. Except you might have to ditch the armbands because of drag in the water. Unless you have literal flippers??? People in the UK are built different after all...

Olympics 2024!!

2 months ago

ah, yes the "kiler backstroke" invented it myself actually (by virtue of being BUILT. DIFFERENT). The armbands arent for floatin, theyre used for emergency tea breaks mid lap. By virtue of grit, determination and pulling myself up by the bootstraps, ill still beat phelps even with the drag from the armbands. Not to mention my extensive work experience supporting my claims. 

Olympics 2024!!

2 months ago
Leon Marchand, eat your heart out.