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A place to sit back, hang out, and make monkey noises about anything you'd like.

# 2002

16 years ago

Yep This is post number 2002, and I am using this moment to ask you guys.


Coffee yes, No?

I for one Love going to a coffee shop (not starbucks a REAL coffee shop) And enjoying the atmosphere, but I don't like coffee it makes me all sweaty and gross feeling, but I do enjoy Hot chocolate, Theres a shop in syracuse named Recess and they have the best damn hot chocolate of my life.

# 2002

16 years ago
Hot chocolate good.

Well, i see thisrandom post so know i have a question

1. have you guys heard the commercials?
1.a. have you seen the bike one?

# 2002

16 years ago
sorry for the screwy sentence, I was thinking of hot chocolate

# 2002

16 years ago
mee lieks hott choklett! I'm just not that much of a coffee fan, though. Not YET anyway. But hey! I'm just a kid, so I'm sure I will become addicted to it sooner than later. Still, hot chocolate is a nice pseudo-coffee beverage.

# 2002

16 years ago
Dude, why do you always spell things like an idiot deliberately. What the hell is "mee lieks hott choklett" s'posed to mean? What's wrong with just writing "I like hot chocolate"?

But yeah, I don't mind it. I went to the first one I've ever been to on a holiday a week and a bit ago.

# 2002

16 years ago

Wow.. pointless thread

but I totally agree.

# 2002

16 years ago

Yeah October's right. You're going all old school Emma on us.

But coffee is el bombo. I'm 16 and I drink coffee alot. It tastes good and if anyone lives near Whitey's (ice cream), get the Kona Coffee ice cream. It's to fucking die for. As you can see, once you like coffee, you don't go back. (Once you're black you never go back).


all zapped on coffee,


# 2002

16 years ago
And this is why, you're 13 and 4'4

# 2002

16 years ago
Meh, This is the lounge, for talking about what ever you want, I thought this would be a good topic, considering I love coffee, and when I'm hyped up on coffee It inspires me to work better, and write longer.

# 2002

16 years ago
Coffee joke!
How do you like your coffee?...

Like I like my women, straight and black. :D

My brother made that up (i think)

# 2002

16 years ago
Hey Marchbot!!! Check out mages comment *Puts giant flashing lights all around it.* lol i think that might get deleted for being racist mage

# 2002

16 years ago
+ * ** * * * * +
* Coffee joke!* * * * * * * * * * +
* How do you like your coffee?... *
* * * + *** * * * * * * *
* Like I like my women, straight and black. :D *
* + * * * * * * * * * * * +
+ * * * + * * * * * * * * *+
* My brother made that up (i think) *
** ** * * * * * ** * * * * * ** * * * * *
* + + *


pretty lights hurt. March will be so blinded by the lights he won't see what it says. :P

# 2002

16 years ago
nothing racist with that joke. though it is an old joke. and is no longer that funny.

# 2002

16 years ago
I haven't heard that coffee joke before, but it's just not funny.

And do I really offend you, October, that much with my deliberately bad spelling? Enough to make you shout to the world?

# 2002

16 years ago
It doesn't offend me. Annoys me, though. But answer my question, why do you do it (and don't give a dodgy answer)?

# 2002

16 years ago
Dodgy answer.

I spell badly on purpose because I think it's funny or something. I don't know. Anubis is weird.

# 2002

16 years ago
I don't know if they have Jarrah in USA or not? I drink Swiss Jarrah, which is both Coffee and Chocolate! Best of both worlds! (Though I do enjoy a good cappuccino if I'm out somewhere)