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Questions about a storygame? Thoughts on Eternal? Any other IF you're playing out there?

Telltale Games Layoffs

9 months ago

As they are one of the biggest studios making interactive fiction titles, I thought it appropriate to raise awareness here of this story:

Telltale Games Layoffs

9 months ago

I thought that company died years ago.

Telltale Games Layoffs

9 months ago

They were bought and resuscitated, at least for a while.

Telltale Games Layoffs

9 months ago

I only ever played season 1 and 2 of the Walking Dead (and that one off in-between those) and part of the GoT one. They were alright.

I was sort of interested in the Tales from the Borderlands one but just never got around to it.

Telltale Games Layoffs

9 months ago

Tales from the Borderlands was fun and A Wolf Among Us was a really good story.