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Questions about a storygame? Thoughts on Eternal? Any other IF you're playing out there?

Can the Eternal Harbinger takeover the Death God?

one year ago
It would be interesting if he does, or becomes his own god later on.

Can the Eternal Harbinger takeover the Death God?

one year ago

Not directly seeing as Francis is under Azrael's complete control in that scenario.

The only way he would is whenever Azrael's time is up on his job and he can retire, most likely passing the job on to Francis at that point.

Can the Eternal Harbinger takeover the Death God?

one year ago
If Azrael retires does he keep his godly powers? Also, how powerful is he compared to the other gods of the verse?

A game involving the gods would be interesting, maybe you could play as him there

Can the Eternal Harbinger takeover the Death God?

one year ago

Nah he gets to finally "rest" at that point and goes to spend his time with Catalina. Doesn't have to worry about anything anymore. (Mortal or divine)

As far as how powerful he is as a god, he's about as powerful as a death god needs to be in a pantheon of gods. Considering an area like death is a pretty major part in the worlds of mortals, you could say he's one of the more important/powerful gods I suppose. Since most beings eventually die he doesn't really need anyone to worship him directly, let alone concern himself with the insane ones that might be out there worshipping death in some form.

Personally I've always seen him on par with say someone like Hades who was arguably one of the more important/powerful gods, but he pretty much had a thankless job that none of the other gods wanted to do. Azrael's in the same boat, he basically is keeping track of the dead, sorting out all the souls and where they go and all of that and if there's some issue with that process then the other gods basically bitch to him about it (Like gnome souls getting obliterated).