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Questions about a storygame? Thoughts on Eternal? Any other IF you're playing out there?

Dungeon Stompage Riddles

11 years ago

Augh, I can't even get past the second riddle. Can someone help me?

Dungeon Stompage Riddles

11 years ago



Those are the two answers. Though it's more rewarding to figure them out yourself. It's fun trying to guess the logic.

Dungeon Stompage Riddles

11 years ago


EDIT: those answers didn't work! I'm on the "forward I'm heavy, backward I'm not" riddle.

Dungeon Stompage Riddles

11 years ago

Just google the riddles if you're stuck, most of them are fairly common ones.

Dungeon Stompage Riddles

11 years ago

Too True. That Forward/Backward one is sort of a trick question though, hehe laugh

Dungeon Stompage Riddles

11 years ago

I thought you were talking about the first puzzles, which the wizard tells you. Sorry about that.

Dungeon Stompage Riddles

11 years ago

Actually, there are 5 sets of 3 riddles each - based on your character's BRAINS Score  (so the 1st, 2nd, or 3rd riddle could be different for each player)   =)

Dungeon Stompage Riddles

4 years ago

Same, I had to look it up on Google! 

Dungeon Stompage Riddles

4 years ago
You just bumped a seven year old thread to say that...

Dungeon Stompage Riddles

4 years ago
With comic sans no less :P

Dungeon Stompage Riddles

4 years ago

What is the answer to the pin lock BONE + DEAD + HEAD = DEATH? I can't figure it out.


Dungeon Stompage Riddles

4 years ago
There should be a cheat-link in the game at the chest with the answer.

If not, I'll post it here later.

Dungeon Stompage Riddles

4 years ago

Where is that?

Dungeon Stompage Riddles

4 years ago


Dungeon Stompage Riddles

4 years ago

I can't find that chest you were talking about, can you tell me the answer?

Dungeon Stompage Riddles

4 years ago
The combo is 12864.

Be sure to find the trap on the chest with search or X-Ray potion before entering combo. If you want to try to solve it yourself, there is another working combo of 123..

Also, be sure to find the secret shaft under the throne - Good luck!

Dungeon Stompage Riddles

4 years ago


Dungeon Stompage Riddles

4 years ago

I just found you can get infinite money by going to the crypt, then use search, then click "head back to the crypt to climb back up", then repeat from step one.

Dungeon Stompage Riddles

2 years ago
Lamento molestar pero e ingresado ese código en el acertijo y me a salido la muerte por aguja venenosa

I'm sorry to bother you but I entered that code in the riddle and I got death by poisonous needle

Dungeon Stompage Riddles

2 years ago
Sounds like you skipped the step of removing the trap.

Dungeon Stompage Riddles

2 years ago
Olvídate, ya revise los comentarios anteriores y ví cómo ??

Forget it, I already reviewed the previous comments and I saw how ??