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Female characters?

3 years ago
I saw a thread about this, which didn't turn out to be what I thought it was. But I was curious whether we thought the site needed more stories with female main characters? I don't really see what the big difference is, but there is a tag and I'm not sure how often it's been used on the better stories.

I do have a lot of female characters in my main setting though and I could make my contest story from one of their points of view. Just wanted some thoughts on this and if anyone thinks female characters should be written differently than male ones and why.

Female characters?

3 years ago

Write them however you want.

We just made that female tag since some people were asking specifically for stories where you play as a leg shaver and we're really inclusive around here.

Female characters?

3 years ago
They should not attempt to write their names in the snow with pee.

Female characters?

3 years ago

I guess here's an important difference.

Zombie girls are better at going through the motions of sex than male zombies, the reasons for this are obvious. Male zombies have no blood flow so well they ain't gonna be able to perform the way a living dude can. Equipment just doesn't work and they'll be lucky enough if their balls aren't rotted off.

Now that being said, that doesn't mean the male zombie won't still TRY. He's still a guy after all and has the same desires as most males have for the female form.

Even if he can somehow get it working (perhaps with the help of an enthusiastic female Necromancer) he's still just not going to feel the same sensations and will be shooting blanks.

The female zombies can't feel any pleasure (or pain) either, but again they can always fake it better by moaning at the appropriate times. (So just like living females actually)

Female characters?

3 years ago
Oh, also, in general when writing female characters, they should be just slightly shorter than the male characters. I mean, not all of them, and not all of them have to be short. But just, you know, in general, they're shorter (slightly).

Female characters?

3 years ago
Females have boobs, and buy more shoes. I think those are the major differences, so try to remember to mention them as often as possible if you're going for authenticity.

Female characters?

3 years ago

Basically you want to establish a boob size and mention it as often as possible. Also make them lesbians. No reason.

Female characters?

3 years ago

Also, and this is the most important one: No matter what anyone else tells you, female characters have vaginas.

Female characters?

3 years ago
* most of the time

Female characters?

3 years ago
It's why all that old fantasy art had to make sure there was cameltoe showing through the bikini armor, without that there was no reliable way to identify gender.

Female characters?

3 years ago

Female characters?

3 years ago
Was this shit drawn ironically?

I'm pretty upset right now.

Female characters?

3 years ago

It's Red Sonja, so pretty much standard for her.

The cloak is keeping her from freezing obviously.

Female characters?

3 years ago
Make sure they are collectable. What good is a harem of wifus if you can only have one.

Female characters?

3 years ago
I have some regrets. >.<