I mean it’s going to depend on the reader. There’s tons of people who don’t like Eternal due to the branching and feel it doesn’t give enough “choice” and have said it’s “linear.” I’m sure there’s some in the comments section somewhere.
In fact I’ve heard this complaint about even for something like Necromancer which is way shorter, though some people have believed it’s longer than it actually is due to the scope of the story itself.
The way I even write this stuff is more “old school” due to me being well old. I generally think nothing of killing the reader off even on the first choice if I feel like it. This is the way the old gamebooks from the 80s worked.
As such, this is why I don’t think of “Death/End choices” as “fake choices.” A Death/End choice still had a meaningful impact. You obviously chose wrong and got killed. That’s pretty meaningful. Just wasn’t in the way you probably wanted.
To me a “fake” choice is what you see all the time nowadays in video games where you might get some dialog difference, (Snarky, faggy, psycho, silent, etc) but nothing else happens and the story continues pretty much the same. (Re-branching)
Now I do believe this approach works better in video games since you’ve got more interaction in general (Fighting, driving, exploring dungeons etc). Meaningful dialog choice can take somewhat of a backseat if you’ve got other elements in the game doing the heavy lifting.
Even using a pretty terrible offender of this idea, Mass Effect 3, had combat to off set the shit dialog choices. (Not really enough to save it though) Fallout 4 would probably be a better example, since it still at least had 4 “meaningful choices” in the different factions to choose from and you had a whole wasteland to explore to offset the rest. (Dialog choices might as well not have fucking existed though)
However I don’t like this in choice based IF where choices are the only major element of interaction and I personally try to avoid it as much as possible. Sometimes it is unavoidable though even in those cases I try to keep it to a minimum.
Other people obviously feel differently though. I mean there’s a whole philosophy that for some baffling reason you’re not supposed to be killing off the reader so much (or even at all) Some people prefer to just play through something with fake choices as long it leads to waifus. I mean I hear there’s a company that seems to cater to such a crowd.
At the end of the day, the writing and storyline is what’s going to make you overlook whatever you think of as flaws in any particular IF. If you don’t give a shit about the storyline or you think the writing is shit, it’s not going to matter how branching or linear it is.
For example I just mentioned not too long ago there was a short IF where it constantly looped until you got the “winning” ending. Generally I hate that shit, but this one didn’t bother me and that was probably thanks to the writing and the premise. It might have also been a case where the short length of the IF helped. If it had been a longer IF, I probably would have gotten more annoyed with it.
As for the guy bitching about Rogues, well not sure what he was doing for 3 hours, but I’m guessing he missed all the paths where you become a crime lord, a serial killer, etc since those are all available. People are free to be fucktards though.