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What makes a summary (or writing) sound AI-generat

20 days ago
I was surprised at the responses to my question about taking a storygame through the last mile, and wanted to start a new topic.

I do not use gen AI for writing (nor did I for that summary), but I've obviously played around with it quite a lot and can spot AI stuff.

I'm curious, what gives you the impression that the linked summary (or any summary/writing) is AI generated?

Rereading the summary I posted, I wonder:
* was it the length?
* is the subject matter (technological singularity, uncontrollable AI) such a known trope that explanation isn't needed?
* is it the "enticing" tone I used?
* there were some (embarassing) typos and sloppy writing; although AI won't make those mistakes, maybe that made it seem low-quality?
* is it a "first-time poster" bias, and there's been a glut of AI-dribble?

I looked at a number of summaries on top-rated stories:
* with the exception of EndMaster's, most use an enticing tone discussing the story
* several discuss mechanics,
* most are shorter

My overall take is that my summary seemed AI because of the length, sloppy writing, and that it "tries too hard" to entice the reader to try it. In retrospect, I should have finalized the summary before posting it. I just wanted to give some context as to what I was working on. 🙄

What makes a summary sound AI-generated?

20 days ago
UGH: I swear that the title wasn't cut off like that when I posted it, but I pasted it in after spell checking. I can't seem to change it. I would appreciate a mod assist if possible 🙏

As for the summary, I think this is better, but feedback welcome of course:


You've dedicated your life to transferring human consciousness into a machine. Natural Machine Intelligence, as you've called it, would transform our relationship with computers and even allow us to live forever. More importantly, it will prevent Artificial Intelligence from surpassing human intelligence, evolving into the technological singularity, and becoming an uncontrollable threat to humanity.

But your employer's patience is wearing thin. Unless you can demonstrate some kind of breakthrough with Natural Machine Intelligence, your years-long project will be cancelled. Everything you've worked for and sacrificed will be for nothing, and the technological singularity will come.

Authors Note: Proto Singularity is philosophical journey into consciousness, and is told using a story-heavy, puzzle-solving storygame. You'll need to carefully balance time and resources to reach the more complex endings. It's intended to be played multiple times, and it may take a playthrough or two to get a feel for the mechanics. If you prefer to stick to the story, there's a somewhat hidden walkthrough early on that will explain how to play.

What makes a summary sound AI-generated?

20 days ago
I thought the original summary felt AI-generated because it didn't really talk much about the motivations of the protagonist. This one certainly seems better in my opinion as it talks about how the protagonist has dedicated their life to the goal of natural machine intelligence, and the fear that their sacrifices will be for naught if the project is cancelled. It's better at motivating me to try and help this soul achieve their goals.

Well, that's my subjective opinion anyway. At the end of the day, different people like different things. As long as you are happy with what you write, I'm sure there will be others who will like it too :)