
Player Rating?/8

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Story Difficulty7/8

"Wade in shark infested water"

Play Length?/8

"Unknown / Not Set"
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Maturity Level6/8

"I'll need to see some identification"
Some material may be inappropriate for persons under age 16. If this were a movie, it would probably be between PG-13 and R.

Six aspiring authors take a trip to the rural town Hillside to attend a festival. The main event is a writing contest hosted by the famous horror author Orson Hill. The winner will be published, and gain prestige that will be priceless to their careers as novelists. 

However, when the gates slam shut and darkness overcomes the residents of the sleepy town, it becomes a fight for survival against an enemy that is unpredictable, unknowable, and ever-changing. 

Can you lead them to the light, or will our heroes fall to darkness? We shall see . . . 

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